Dr Sanjiv Badhwar answers some of the frequently asked questions about throat cancer treatment.
Throat cancer is the cancer of the voice box, the vocal cords, and other parts of the throat, such as the tonsils and oropharynx. However, there are many questions related to it. Such as does it lead to voice problems? What are the best treatment options for throat cancer? And other common questions on throat cancer and its treatment are answered by Dr Sanjiv Badhwar, Consultant and Head – ENT, Head Neck Robotic Surgeon, Otolaryngologist, Mumbai.
1. How does cancer affect voice?
Voice production involves lungs, trachea, voice box, pharynx, nose, tongue and oral cavity. Issues with any of the above organs can lead to a change of voice. Cancers are generally space occupying growths which hamper either the inflow of the affected organ or the movements of that organ resulting in abnormal voice. E.g. smooth surface and movements of vocal cords are important for normal voice production. Cancers may make the surface of vocal cords irregular resulting in a hoarse voice.
2. Does the treatment for cancer include the treatment for voice issues?
Yes. Voice rehabilitation is a very important thing after treatment of throat cancer. Throat cancer treatment, let it be surgical or surgery radiotherapy leads to change in the dimensions of voice-producing organs. Hence well-structured voice rehabilitation programme is needed postoperatively.
3. What are the common treatments for voice issues caused due to throat cancer?
For stage I and Stage Il throat cancers, voice therapy is required as this cancer treatment does not lead to much of organ l loss. But stage l and IV cancers need aggressive treatment which may include removal of the whole voice box. In these cases, voice rehabilitation options include oesophagal speech, trachea-oesophagal puncture devices and electrola1ynx.
4. Does the treatment methods depend on the condition?
Functional issues without any structural abnormality in the voice producing organs can be better dealt with voice therapy only. E.g. Muscle tension dysphonia in which excessive tension in some muscles of larynx leads to abnormal voice. Many benign conditions like vocal cord polyp, vocal cord nodule, and early-stage cancers require C02 Laser assisted surgical excision of affected part only followed by voice therapy to strengthen the remaining parts o the voice box. Late stage cancer requires removal of the entire voice box and followed by voice therapy and voice rehabilitation with esophageal speech, trachea-esophageal puncture devices or electrolarynx.
5. What is the most preferred treatment option for throat cancer?
C02 laser comes with precision & high-end performance over conventional methods which makes it a better option for treating throat cancer. It causes minimal tissue manipulation, minimal surrounding tissue damage, decreased risk of postoperative bleeding, increased sterility, brief hospital stays and shorter wound recovery. Moreover, minimal scarring with good mucosalization allows excellent preservation of voice quality.
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