By: Shailvee Sharda
To discourage the use of tobacco among youths, state health department has decided to focus impact of tobacco consumption on health of heart in its IEC campaigns. This is significant considering that one in three adults in the state consume tobacco as per data from health ministry.
Citing data from world health organisation on the eve of world no tobacco day, health minister Siddharth Nath Singh said over two million persons die of cardiovascular disease caused by tobacco consumption. “Since, tobacco is a dual killer, we have decided to launch a targeted attack against it,” he said adding, “the problem is more rampant among the youth.”
The connection between tobacco and cardiovascular disease has been well established by researchers at KGMU and SGPGIMS. The one conducted by KGMU’s Dr Monika Bhandari and team noted the presence of cardiac risk factor smoking in over 72% victims of heart attack who aged below 35 years. Likewise, Prof Satyendra Tiwari also noted that smoking and tobacco consumption was seen in over 60% of patients below 45 years of age.
The health department will also include exposure to second hand smoke in the campaign as it also lays an impact on cardiovascular health. Health ministry data reveals that 37.7% of all adult smokers who worked indoor were exposed to second hand smoke while an equal number of them got the exposure to carcinogenic substances due to smoking in public places.
Welcoming the move, vice-chairman, Cardiological Society of India, Prof Satyendra Tiwari said: “Different researches have noted that Indians were more vulnerable to cardiovascular diseases because of genetic factors. The disease appears in a lethal form at a younger age which makes prevention a life saving intervention,” he said adding that second hand smoke was as dangerous to health as consumption.
In another development, director general of health services issued directions to chief medial officers across the state to ensure that provisions under COTPA (2003) to turn all government buildings into a tobacco free campus.
‘Campaigns against Tobacco can work’
Campaigns against tobacco seem to be working in UP, suggests the second Global Adult Tobacco Survey shared by the state health department on Wednesday.
“Over 54% of cigarette smokers and 57.7% of bidi smokers in UP thought of quitting smoking because of the pictorial warning labels,” concluded the survey released earlier this year.
A global standard for systematic monitoring of adult tobacco use both smoking and smokeless, GATS is a household survey that included some 3500 persons above 15 years of age to study the pattern of tobacco use.
Commissioned by ministry of health and family welfare with World Health Organisation support, the survey was conducted by Tata Institute of Social Sciences in 30 Indian states. First edition of GATS was released in 2009.
The impact of the warnings may be gauged from other findings in the survey. For instance, prevalence of tobacco use among persons aged 15-17 years went down from 8% in GATS-1 to 2.8 % in GATS-2.
Likewise, the mean age of initiation of tobacco has gone up by a few months (from 18 years in GATS-1 to 18.7 years in GATS-2). The average monthly expenditure on cigarette for daily smoker has gone down marginally (from Rs 834.9 in GATS-1 to Rs 727.9 in GATS-2).
“But sustained efforts need to be made as prevalence of tobacco has gone up from 33.9% to 35.5% between GATS-1 and GATS-2,” Binoy Mathew of Voluntary Health Association of India which works against tobacco in the country.
Superfoods for tobacco users and smokers to help them deal with withdrawal symptoms
We all continuously see the warnings that cigarettes and tobacco are injurious to health. But, we often tend to ignore it. Smoking can cause several health issues- heart diseases, diabetes, cancer, liver ailments, respiratory diseases and many more while tobacco consumption can lead to lung and oral cancer and many more. When trying to quit smoking, often the smokers and the tobacco users feel irritated, cranky, agitated, frustrated and they also experience mood swings. So, along with the therapy, diet also plays a pivotal role in enhancing their well-being. Here, Ankita Ghag, Clinical nutritionist, Vacchan Aarogya and InBody, briefs you about the foods which the tobacco users should include in their plate and the foodstuffs which they should delete from their daily diet list.
As per Ankita Ghag explains, “Nicotine is supplied to the brain due to smoking which affects the ability of the smoker to taste flavours. Consumption of tobacco and smoking can lower the appetite of the user. Bu, once the user quits tobacco consumption and smoking; he can regain his taste buds and enjoy the foods of his choice.”
Foods to eat:
- Black grapes, blackberries and dark chocolate are other good sources of catechin.
- Have pineapple or pineapple juice, quinoa,
- Build your immunity and eat foods rich in vitamin A,C and E. Tomatoes, berries like strawberries, kiwi, bell peppers and all types of citrus fruits, papaya, carrot, lettuce, broccoli, dark green leafy vegetables, muskmelon and so on.
- Increase the fluid intake as the smokers tend to get dehydrated.
- Consuming tea, coffee, junk, oily , spicy and fizzy drinks.
“Exercise and meditation will also help. Also, chose a good company — avoid being with people who are engaged into these vices. Be optimistic and lead a healthy life, says Ankita Ghag.”
Disclaimer: All information, data and material has been sourced from multiple authors and is for general information and educational purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor.
The views and nutritional advice expressed are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.