Depression is a mood disorder that drains you off hope, motivation and energy and keeps you in a consistent feeling of sadness. Clinically, there may be a wide range of causes for depression ranging from disturbed sleep, hormones, inheritance, brain chemistry or biological differences. ? Depression is much more common than we think and most of us will have some form of depressive illness  at least once in our lifetime. Here Are Some Myths About Depression That Are Totally Baseless: Ⓜ MYTH : DEPRESSION IS NOT AN ILLNESS, BUT A STATE…

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Selfies may damage your skin, cause wrinkles

Selfie-addicts, take note! Dermatologists have warned that continous exposure to the radiation from smartphones can damage your skin. Constantly exposing your face to the light and radiation from smartphones may damage your skin, speeding up ageing and promoting wrinkles, dermatologists have warned. Doctors can tell which hand a person holds their phone in just by looking at which side of the face is most damaged, they said. “Those who take a lot of selfies and bloggers should worry. Even the blue light we get from our screens can damage our…

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