Mint has been used since ages for medicinal purposes owing to its anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Mint or pudina is packed with Phyto-Chemicals, Antioxidants, Vitamins & Minerals like Calcium, Phosphorous, Vitamin C, D, E and small amounts of Vitamin B Complex. Here Are Some Of The Benefits That Pudina Has To Offer: ✳ IMPROVES DIGESTION ☘  Mint leaves are loaded with antioxidants and phyto-nutrients which help in the synthesis of digestive enzymes. ☘ They have a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the stomach, reduce acidity and flatulence. ☘ Patients…

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Want to safeguard yourself from heart diseases? Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet

A new Swedish study has found that lutein, a nutrient in brightly coloured fruit and vegetables, can reduce inflammation in patients with coronary artery disease. The study, carried out by researchers at Linköping University, looked at the levels of six of the most common carotenoids in blood from 193 patients with coronary artery disease. “A considerable number of patients who have experienced myocardial infarction still have low-level chronic inflammation in the body, even after receiving effective treatment with revascularisation, drugs and lifestyle changes. We know that chronic inflammation is associated…

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Home Remedies for Fibroids (रसोली)

Fibroids (रसोली ), also called uterine leiomyomas, are extremely common non-cancerous muscular tumors of the uterus. About 80 percent of women develop this problem by the age of 50. The exact cause of uterine fibroids is still not known. Factors like genetics, abnormalities in the blood vessel or vascular system, hormones and other growth factors play an important role in the development of fibroids. The problem is more common in obese and African-American women. Women who have never given birth to a child or who had their first menstrual cycle…

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तांबे (Copper) के बर्तन

तांबे के बर्तन में कम से कम 8 घंटे तक रखा हुआ पानी पीना सेहत के लिए काफी लाभकारी है। परंतु इसे कभी भी जमीन पर न रखें (जमीन के गुरूत्वाकर्षण कारण )। इसे किसी लकड़ी की टेबल में ढख कर रखे। इस पानी को पीने से शरीर के कई रोग बिना दवा ही ठीक हो जाते हैं। जैसे…….   जिन लोगों को कफ की समस्या ज्यादा रहती है, उन्हें इस पानी में तुलसी के कुछ पत्ते डाल देने चाहिए। तांबे के बर्तन में जल को रखकर पिएं तो इससे…

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Eat grapes twice a day to keep Alzheimer’s at bay

A study finds that consuming grapes twice a day for six months can help in protecting the brain against early decline associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The results showed that a grape-enriched diet protected against the decline of metabolic activity that correlated to improvements in cognition and working memory performance. Those consuming a grape-enriched diet exhibited increased metabolism in other areas of the brain too. The research, conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles, was published in Experimental Gerontology. “The study examines the impact of grapes as a whole fruit…

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7 Foods that Help relieve Hemorrhoids

Inflammation of the veins in the lower rectum and anus is known as hemorrhoids. People prone to constipation are susceptible to hemorrhoids or piles. The pressure exerted on the veins while straining the anus to pass hardened stool, leads to this condition. People suffering from hemorrhoids experience pain, irritation, itching and discomfort in the anal region. Painless bleeding may occur while passing bowel. Fortunately, hemorrhoids can be reversed with appropriate treatment. Foods that help to soften stools and ease bowel movement provide rapid relief from the symptoms of hemorrhoids. The…

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Herbs that Heal

Here is a list of some of top healing herbs that may be in your cupboard: Rosemary has shown a lot of cancer-protective potential.” Frying, broiling, or grilling meats at high temperatures creates HCAs (heterocyclic amines), potent carcinogens implicated in several cancers. Rosemary contains carnosol and rosemarinic acid, two powerful antioxidants that destroy the HCAs. Oregano this super herb is very rich in anti-oxidant phytochemical flavonoids and phenolic acids. Oregano oil has been classically used as a disinfectant, an aid for ear, nose, & throat/respiratory infections, candida, and any sort…

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Health Benefits of Sapodilla (Chiku – चीकू)

The fruit Chiku has an exceptionally sweet and delicious flavour along with lots of nutritional values. Chiku is one of the best fruits to provide quick energy as Sapodilla is loaded with fructose and sucrose and regarded as a natural boosting energy food. The Chiku, which is botanically known as Manilkara zapota is a rich source of antioxidants, vitamin A, C and E, copper, iron, etc. Image Source:

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