स्वस्थ भारत की ओर छोटा सा कदम …. का एक मात्र उदेश्य की आप स्वस्थ जीवन का आंनद ले और हम स्वस्थ भारत का निर्माण कर सके , आज की यह जानकारी बहुत सामान्य बीमारी है कि भूख नही लगती है ओर नीचे हम कई घेरलू उपाय बता रहे है आप इन मेसे जो आपको समझ आये उसे अपना ले निश्चित ही आपको भूख लगना प्रारंभ हो जाये हमारे शरीर की अग्नि खाये गये भोजन को पचाने का काम करती है। यदि यह अग्नि किसी कारण से मंद पड़…
Read MoreTag: Apple
Type 2 diabetes: Here is how the otherwise healthy apples affect your blood sugar levels
Apples have a lot of health benefits like improving digestion, helping in weight loss, keeping the heart healthy, and may also help in warding off breast cancer. Apples also help improve neurological health. Since childhood, everyone has dreaded going to the doctor because there may be blood, bitter medicines, or an injection coming our way when we do. Probably cashing in on that fear, they created the saying that an apple a day would keep the doctor away. However, apples did prove their mettle when they actually helped to keep…
Read MoreMigraine Remedies
परिचय : जब मनुष्य के सिर के आधे भाग में दर्द हो और आधे भाग में दर्द न हो तो उसे आधासीसी या माईग्रेन कहते हैं। विभिन्न भाषाओं में नाम : हिन्दी आधा कपाल, आधासीसी अंग्रेज़ी हेमिक्रेनिया अरबी आधा कपालि नूरार विश बंगाली आधा कपाली गुजराती आधा शीशी कन्नड अरेतले नोवु मलयालम ओरचेनी कुटटु मराठी अरधशीशी उड़ीया अधा कपाली तमिल ओत्रयथथलइवली तेलगु अरतला नोप्पि कारण : मानसिक व शारीरिक थकावट, अधिक गुस्सा करना, चिन्ता करना, आंखों का अधिक थक जाना, अत्यधिक रूप से भावनाओं में बहकर भावुक होना, भोजन…
Read Moreगुस्सा दूर करने के उपाय
वास्तव में गुस्सा एक भयानक तूफ़ान जैसा है, जो जाने के बाद पीछे अपनी बर्बादी का निशान छो़ड जाता हैं। गुस्से में सबसे पहले दिमाग फिर जबान अपना आपा खोती है, वह वो सब कहती है, जो नहीं बिलकुल भी कहना चाहिए और रिश्तों में जबरदस्त क़डवाहट आ जाती है। और तब तो और भी मुश्किल होती है जब गुस्सा हमारे दिमाग में घर कर जाता है और हमारे अन्दर बदला लेने की सामने वाले को नुकसान पहुँचाने की भावना प्रबल हो जाती है । हम यहाँ पर आपको कुछ…
Read MoreAre There Natural Ways to Treat Gallstones?
Overview Gallstones are hard deposits that form in your gallbladder. There are two types of gallstones: cholesterol gallstones, which are most common and made up of excess cholesterol pigment gallstones, which are made up of excess bilirubin Surgery is a common treatment for gallstones, but you may be able to treat them with natural remedies. Read on to learn natural remedies for gallstones, plus tips to help prevent this condition. How to treat gallstones without surgery Gallstones can cause sharp, intense pain in the upper right part of the abdomen. This…
Read MoreAmazing tips to eat healthy while travelling
Travelling; the most recreational activity to every mood. People who love mapping the different areas are the ones who love their life insanely and they love the food extremely. As to travel we need much more energy than needed! But knowing the true food during travelling is a real struggle. Actually the eating strategies have to be adapted during the course you shall travel, because it might differ the mode of travelling…bus, train, plane, ride, etc. Some important tips to go for a healthy trip on travelling: The Hotel Search…
Read MoreWorld Oral Health Day 2018: 5 Foods For Shiny White Teeth
World Oral Health Day: Oral hygiene is described as the practice of keeping one’s mouth clean and free of diseases and other health problems. It’s the Work Oral Health day today. World Oral Health Day is celebrated every year on 20th March. The day is aimed to promote awareness around healthy mouth and oral hygiene. This year the theme for World Oral Health day is , ‘Say Aah: Think Mouth, Think Health’. Oral hygiene is described as the practice of keeping one’s mouth clean and free of diseases and other health problems.…
Read MoreEating right for non-vegetarians
By: Kavita Devgan is a New Delhi-based nutritionist You need not ‘go off’ any type of food. The trick is to know your body and eat sensibly. Most non-vegetarian foods like meat, fish and eggs are good sources of protein, which our body needs for growth. A diet high on proteins (more than 30 per cent of total calorie intake a day), however, can cause a kidney overdrive, because the kidney has to work hard to flush out the extra protein. The body can store only small amounts of protein, so all excess is used for…
Raw food juicing is one the easiest, most effective, and most delicious ways to do good things for your body. Ideally, man would receive the nutrition he needs to maintain a healthy, vital body from a raw fruit and vegetable diet. He would have a piece or two of fruit for breakfast, a heaping greens-and-tofu salad (no dressing or simple fresh-squeezed lemon juice) for lunch, and a plateful of raw veggies for dinner followed by goat yogurt for dessert. He’d throw in some cooked beans every now and then for…
Research suggests that you can keep your cholesterol levels in check by making simple but effective dietary changes, opting for an exercise regimen and keeping your weight in check. Here are some effective ways to lower your cholesterol levels without popping pills: ? SAY NO TO TRANS FATS ? Food manufacturers use trans fats because they extend the shelf life of packaged baked goods. ? They raise LDL (bad cholesterol), lower HDL (good cholesterol), and increase the risk of developing heart diseases and stroke. ? Trans fats are found in…
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