World Asthma Day 2018: History, objective, theme, causes & remedies

World Asthma Day 2018: Asthma, which is a chronic infection of the lungs and causes difficulty in breathing, has many symptoms that change in frequency and severity over time. These include breathlessness, coughing, wheezing and a feeling of tightness in the chest and are often triggered by allergens. by Ishita Goel How sick are your lungs? To answer this question, one might have to consider the air quality we breathe, the fast-paced lifestyle that is often accompanied by cigarette smoke and of course, other than the general environmental factors, genetics. With…

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Magnet Therapy: How Magnets are a Healing Tool

As children, we have all been fascinated by pieces of iron .that attracted and repelled each other with unimaginable force. We played with the little pieces in awe of the ‘magic’ they seemed to exude until parents and teachers explained to us that they were ‘magnets’ and that Nature had invested in them properties to attract and repel. The entire cosmos, comprising universes and infinite galaxies of stars and planets, is delicately balanced by magnetism. Since man also shares the subtle and crude forces of the cosmos, it makes sense…

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Don’t Let Air Pollution Affect Your Health. Here’s 5 Natural Ways to Boost Immunity!

Pollution is not just an issue for India and China, but the entire world is desperately trying to find a solution for the rising levels of pollutants. In the urban cities, especially, the quality of air is dipping fast. Recently, Delhi was in the news due to its extremely poor air quality. Schools, colleges, universities and workplaces had to be shut down, people avoided having to step out of their homes and there was fog everywhere. Well, if you cannot do anything about the pollution outside, you can at least…

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Yogasanas help exercise external as well as internal body parts. This helps with proper body functioning, thereby ensuring good physical health, as well as mental peace and calm.The various postures help correct our physiological and physical imbalances and help us tone our musculo-skeletal system. If practiced properly and regularly, yoga has an extremely rejuvenative and therapeutic effect on our body. If you are a beginner, you should always perform the yogasanas under the supervision of an expert trainer, who would advice you on which asanas are good for you keeping…

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बज्र अंग चाहिए तो खाइये बाजरा

  ?बाजरा खाइए, हड्डियों के रोग नहीं होंगें। ?बाजरे की रोटी का स्वाद जितना अच्छा है, उससे अधिक उसमें गुण भी हैं। ?- बाजरे की रोटी खाने वाले को हड्डियों (Bones) में कैल्शियम (Calcium) की कमी से पैदा होने वाला रोग आस्टियोपोरोसिस (Oestoporasis) और खून की कमी यानी एनीमिया (Anemia) नहीं होता। ?- बाजरा लीवर ( Liver) से संबंधित रोगों को भी कम करता है। ?- गेहूं (Wheat) और चावल (Rice) के मुकाबले बाजरे में ऊर्जा (Energy) कई गुना है। ?- बाजरे में भरपूर कैल्शियम होता है जो हड्डियों के…

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Sugary drinks during pregnancy linked to mid-childhood asthma

According to researchers, avoiding high intake of sugary beverages during pregnancy and in early childhood could be one of several ways to reduce the risk of childhood asthma. Children between the ages of 7 and 9 may be at greater risk of developing asthma if their mothers drank a lot of sugar-sweetened beverages while pregnant, warns a new study. “Avoiding high intake of sugary beverages during pregnancy and in early childhood could be one of several ways to reduce the risk of childhood asthma,” said study lead author Sheryl Rifas-Shiman…

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Breathe easier: A handful of walnuts daily cuts risk of asthma

A new study has found that a type of vitamin E found in walnuts may prevent the risk of asthma attacks by reducing airway inflammation. Numerous studies have emphasised the many health benefits of walnuts. Here’s another reason why you must include these nuts in your daily diet. According to researchers, a type of vitamin E found in these nuts may prevent the risk of asthma attacks by reducing airway inflammation. Gamma-tocopherol is a major form of vitamin E, which is abundant in nuts like walnuts and pecans and in the legume…

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10 Amazing Benefits of Giloy: The Ayurvedic Root of Immortality

Here are 10 incredible Giloy benefits, from treating chronic fever to boosting digestion and immunity. “Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia) is an Ayurvedic herb that has been used and advocated in Indian medicine for ages”, says Delhi-based Nutritionist Anshul Jaibharat. In Sanskrit, Giloy is known as ‘Amrita’, which literally translates to ‘the root of immortality’, because of its abundant medicinal properties. “The stem of Giloy is of maximum utility, but the root can also be used. Its benefits and uses have even been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)”, adds…

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Chromotherapy – Naturopathy treatment

Chromotherapy (or Colour Therapy or Surya Kiran Chikitsa) is a drugless method of treating the diseases by using different colors from sunlight. It can be used for any problem – physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. It is equally relevant for specific problems as well as an overall relaxation therapy. According to the basic principles of Chromotherapy, human body is composed of different colors and lack of any color in our body gives rise to disease. A person is said to be in a state of health as long as the…

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Naturopathy Tips for Controlling Asthma and Improving the Quality of Life

Asthma is an allergic condition and one of the most troublesome of respiratory diseases. Patients suffering from this condition are often found gasping for breath. Unfortunately, Western medicine has not been able to find a cure to this debilitating disease. The vaccines and drugs that are available only have a limited value. However, what modern science could not accomplish, alternative therapies, such as naturopathy, have been able to offer natural cure treatments for this crippling disease. With naturopathy, you can control, cure and even prevent asthma, as well as, bronchitis.…

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