by Brahma Kumaris There is a direct connection between your identity and destiny. It’s a simple process to see and understand, even on a daily basis. If you wake up irritated (in a bad mood), it means you are seeing yourself as an irritated being (soul). Perhaps, you even think and, sometimes, say to yourself, “I’m irritated today.” It means your self-identity is negative. So, you filter the world through your negative filter and the world actually looks like an irritable place. As a result, you think negative thoughts, generate a…

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Peaceful Retired Life – 13 “Will My Attitude Decide My happiness”

By – Rajendran Sivaramapillai Will My Attitude Decide My Happiness? Almost all retired people invariably give a gloomy look at times, in fact a deadly combination of all negative emotions at the same time, often looking lost in the desert. Invariably spouse will ask, “What happened to you and the standard reply, “Nothing I am alright?” She knows you are on the road to self-criticism. Even simple deviations in everyday life seem to affect us so much mentally. How to come out of this melancholy mood? Yes! It all depends on…

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Cancer And Some Of The Major Causes It

Cancer And Some Of The Major Causes It – Urbanatural Cancer is one of the diseases which still scares people and to some extent is still a mystery to all. Although medical science has made significant improvement over the years, still Cancer is a disease which frightens and worries people even till date. When the cells experience uncontrolled and abnormal growth in any body part, it can lead to Cancer. But not to worry, as many Cancer treating medicines have come up in the market and these can ordered easily…

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Avoid Drinking Water with Food

हम पानी क्यों ना पीये खाना खाने के बाद.! क्या कारण है.? हमने दाल खाई, हमने सब्जी खाई, हमने रोटी खाई, हमने दही खाया, लस्सी पी, दूध, दही, छाझ, लस्सी, फल आदि.! ये सब कुछ भोजन के रूप मे हमने ग्रहण किया ये सब कुछ हमको उर्जा देता है और पेट उस उर्जा को आगे ट्रांसफर करता है.! पेट मे एक छोटा सा स्थान होता है जिसको हम हिंदी मे कहते है “अमाशय” उसी स्थान का संस्कृत नाम है “जठर” उसी स्थान को अंग्रेजी मे कहते है “epigastrium” ये एक…

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