Antibiotics pose environmental risks

LONDON: Although antibiotics prevent bacterial infections, they may adversely harm microbes that are essential to a healthy environment, a study has warned.This may in its turn significantly impact people’s lives around the world, it said. When people take antibiotics, their bodies break down and metabolise only a portion of the drugs. The rest is excreted and enters wastewater. As wastewater treatment plants are not designed to fully remove antibiotic or other pharmaceutical compounds, many of these compounds reach natural systems where they could accumulate and harm the “good” microbes.That’s a…

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In natural medicine, the neem tree (Azadirachta indica) is recognized as an effective treatment for many diseases. It has been used in India for thousands of years. The first records of its use date from as long as 4,500 years ago. As this natural treatment has not been introduced to the Western world until recently, neem has not been researched as extensively in clinical trials as modern medicines are in order to comply with registration requirements. The list of described therapeutic applications for neem is extensive and the medicinal properties…

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