10 Problems Root (Basic) Chakra Healing Can Help with (and How to Perform It)

If you are feeling anxious or depressed, it could be that your root chakra is blocked. Follow these root chakra healing practices to transform your life. Chakras are energy centres within the body. When they get blocked, energy cannot flow through them and this can cause physical and emotional symptoms. When our root chakra becomes blocked, we can experience a range of physical and mental problems. Read on to find out some of the symptoms of a blocked root chakra and discover some practices that can provide root chakra healing. 10 Symptoms of a blocked…

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The 7 Chakras

The study of 7 chakras originates in Eastern spiritual traditions that consider the seven primary chakras the basis of our human existence. Similarly, today’s Western approaches place en emphasis on the seven chakras as representations of different aspects of our life and describe their function in various terms encompassing the psychological, physical, energetic and spiritual. 7 Major Chakras Overview The basic human chakra system, as it is commonly accepted, consists of seven chakras stretching from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Their names, locations and corresponding chakra colors are:…

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