Powerful Hacks To Heal Most Common Summer Skin Problems

Some common skin care problems are pricking and burning sensations, tiny and itchy bumps, oily skin, itchy rashes which comes with discomfort and pain, uneven skin tone, folliculitis, acne breakout and heat burn. The hot summer season is here! While we do take care of the nutritional requirement to beat the heat during summers, there are times we forget a proper skin care routine. During the hot and sultry weather, we do face a lot of skin problems. These may include pricking and burning sensations, tiny and itchy bumps, oily skin, itchy…

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सेहत की मिनी डिक्शनरी … Health Dictionary

रोगी के रोग की चिकित्सा करने वाले निकृष्ट , रोग के कारणों की चिकित्सा करने वाले औसत और रोग-मुक्त रखने वाले श्रेष्ठ चिकित्सक होते हैं । लकवा (Paralysis) – सोडियम (Sodium) की कमी के कारण होता है । हाई वी पी –  में स्नान व सोने से पूर्व एक गिलास जल का सेवन करें तथा स्नान करते समय थोड़ा सा नमक पानी मे डालकर स्नान करे । लो बी पी – सेंधा नमक डालकर पानी पीयें । कूबड़ निकलना- फास्फोरस & विटामिन डी की कमी से होता है, दो केले…

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भोजन करने के नियम (Rules for having Meals)

1. खाने से पूर्व अन्नपूर्णा माता की स्तुति करके उनका धन्यवाद देते हुए, तथा सभी भूखो को भोजन प्राप्त हो इर्श्वर (God) से ऐसी प्राथना (Prayer) करके भोजन करना चाहिए । 2. गृहस्थ के लिए प्रातः (Morning & Evening) और सायं (दो समय) ही भोजन का विधान है । 3. दोनो हाथ, दोनो पैर और मुख, इन पाँच अंगो को धोकर  (Wash both hands, legs & face before meals) भोजन करने वाला दीर्घजीवी होता है। 4. भींगे पैर खाने से आयु की वृद्धि होती है 5. सुखे पैर, जुते पहने…

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Top Secret Revealed – Nature’s Shield against Lung and Throat Infections

Relieve Pain & Fight Infections without Pills and Antibiotics Consider Infections and Allergies as text messages that your body sends to you, stating that something is wrong. Stress and improper diets are often the main reason for an overtaxed immune system. In this article, we take a look at what you can do to prevent, cure or alleviate chest and throat infections naturally. Your lungs are one of the most worked organs in your body. Sadly, they are the most abused as well. Meaning, you end up with respiratory tract…

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Right time and way to bath

Video of Rajiv Dixit Source: Swadeshi Chikitsa Nirmal Disclaimer: All information, data and material has been sourced from multiple authors and is for general information and educational purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. The views and nutritional advice expressed are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.  

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Massage your way to a healthier you There is no denying the fact that a massage can make you feel relaxed and rejuvenated. It relieves the stress and relaxes all the muscles, making you feel light and happy. No wonder then that you are always looking forward to a relaxing day at the spa. But did you know that there are special massages that can even help to lose weight? Yes, you heard it right. According to studies, massage improves the muscle building capability of your body and thereby helps…

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Hydrotherapy – Naturopathy Treatment

Hydrotherapy is an ancient form of treatment where water is used in different forms to relieve physical and mental ailments and to recharge body vitality. Water has extraordinary healing properties at different temperatures. Internal applications includes intake of water, enema, sniffing of water. External applications includes bath, packs, compress, sprays etc. Benefits: Helps maintain hydration of the body Helps in proper secretion of body fluids and maintenance of Ph Aids digestion and prevents constipation Improves skin condition and nourishes it Helps in detoxification Being a universal solvent, its use helps…

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Do Not Hate Mud; It Has the Healing Power As Effective As Medicine

In early days mud is used to rinse hair or scrubbing body. Including these, now in every naturopathy centers mud is used in various ways for healthily and glossy skin. This important natural element is the rich source of minerals which is very necessary for human health. It also absorbs toxins and prevents several diseases. It is used for cooling and relaxing the body as it has the power of moisturizing for a long time. Mud is associated with Earth – one of the five elements of nature. Mud has immense healing…

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Use oils to heal

By Lachmi Deb Roy Essential oils have potent medicinal properties, but using them the wrong way could be disastrous. Here’s how to use these to treat everything from cramps to confusion. The word “essential” denotes that the oil has the essence of the source plant. These oils are commonly sourced from leaves, twigs, wood pulp or bark tissue. Dr Pradeep MK Nair, nature cure physician, National Institute of Naturopathy, Pune, says, “In the current era of advanced medical technology, where every intervention comes with a known side-effect, the use of essential…

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Your clothes can spike chances of urinary tract infection

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), in particular, increases in incidence during this time and women, more than men, are prone to it. What’s more trendy, figure hugging jeans and other tight clothing further increases chances of UTI. Rain and humidity make for a perfect breeding ground for bacterial growth, leading to infection. Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), in particular, increases in incidence during this time and women, more than men, are prone to it. What’s more trendy, figure hugging jeans and other tight clothing further increases chances of UTI. Doctors say that…

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