Because of constant pressure, blood supply reduces in the skin and tissues underneath, thus resulting in bed sores. Bed sores are common among people who are wheelchair bound or bed ridden because of medical reasons. Pressure sores or bed sores are injuries developed when the skin faces pressure for a long time. Bed sores are common among people who are wheelchair bound or bed ridden because of medical reasons. Because of constant pressure, blood supply reduces in the skin and tissues underneath. This results in sores in the area. Pressure…
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Are all salad combinations healthy?
by Dr Partap Chauhan Just the presence of the word ‘Salad’ in the name of a dish does not automatically make it healthy. In recent years, with the growing awareness of eating healthy greens, we are choosing dishes that are commonly referred to as salads. But are they all healthy? Here is an Ayurvedic perspective on this matter, and what you should put together in a healthy salad. Salad vs. ‘Healthy’ Salad – Avoiding Virrudh Ahaar There is a big difference between a salad and a healthy salad. By definition,…
Read Moreरात को नहीं खानी चाहिए ये 10 चीजें
हर व्यक्ति की खाने से जुड़ी अपनी अलग आदतें होती हैं। इसलिए कुछ लोग शाम के समय जल्दी खाना खा लेते हैं, जबकि कुछ लोग देर से खाते हैं। शरीर पर इन आदतों का तो असर पड़ता ही है, लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कि आपने रात को जो खाना खाया है, उसका सीधा असर आपकी नींद पर पड़ता है। जी हां, रात को सोने से पहले आपने जो खाना खाया है, यदि ठीक नहीं है तो आपको बहुत जल्दी गहरी नींद नहीं आएगी। आयुर्वेद में माना गया है कि…
Read MoreLack of Sleep Causes Alzheimer’s. How Can You Get Proper Sleep Naturally?
An average 8 hours of sleep is required per night per adult. How many hours do you sleep for? Due to so much of work pressure, mental stress and an erratic lifestyle, people tend to sleep less. They want to make better use of the 24 hours by not sleeping! Did you know that a recent study pointed out that lack of sleep can lead to Alzheimer’s? And that too, early in life? HOW IS SLEEP RELATED TO ALZHEIMER’S? Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia that causes problem with thinking,…
Read MoreStruggling to sleep? Cultivating a purpose in life will help
A study, based on older adults, suggests cultivating purpose in life could be drug-free strategy to improve sleep. This is the first study to show having a purpose in life specifically results in fewer sleep disturbances and improved sleep quality and over a long period of time. Previous research showed having a purpose in life generally improves overall sleep when measured at a single point in time. Although the participants in the study were older, researchers said the findings are likely applicable to the broader public. “Helping people cultivate a…
Read MoreMeet Class 10 student who developed a device to predict ‘silent’ heart attacks
Akash Manoj, a class X student from Tamil Nadu, has developed a device to predict silent heart attacks and could potentially save the lives of thousands of people in India every year. by – Anonna Dutt Akash Manoj with the prototype of his non-invasive self diagnosis of ‘silent heart attack’ during the Innovation Exhibition at the Rahtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi on Sunday. (PTI) Akash Manoj has been reading medical literature for fun since he was in the 8th standard. It comes as a little surprise then that this Class 10…
Read More10 Steps for Healthy Life
> 0 hours of Television > 1 hour of Exercise > 2 litres of Water > 3 cups of hot GreenTea > 4 short Mental breaks > 5 small Meals > 6 am wake up Time > 7 minutes of Laughter > 8 hours of Sleep > 9 pm go to Bed > 10 minutes of Prayer Source: WhatsApp
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