World Milk Day 2018: 7 Reasons Why You Should Drink Milk Everyday

The world commemorates World Milk Day on 1st June every year. This day was founded by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), which celebrates the important contributions of the dairy sector to sustainability, economic development, livelihoods and nutrition. Every year, global citizens unite to celebrate #WorldMilkDay and this year too, we are looking to commemorate the special day by knowing what role does dairy play in our lives. Here’s everything you must know about milk being your best friend from the kitchen! Our childhoods have this…

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National Dengue Day 2018: This Juice Could Prove To Be An Effective Remedy For Dengue Fever

National Dengue day is aimed towards spreading awareness about Dengue fever, make people understand the condition and how to take preventive steps It is the National Dengue Day today. National Dengue day is aimed towards spreading awareness about Dengue fever, make people understand the condition and how to take preventive steps. Each year, dengue fever causes significant casualties. In the year 2017, India saw 11,832 more cases of dengue compared with 2016, and the number of deaths from the vector-borne disease was also higher than the last year. According to…

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Take care of your spinal health to avoid life-long malaise

Over the years spinal health has emerged as one of the major concerns among millennials. Our busy and mostly sedentary lifestyles attached with a digital-heavy exist have resulted in a large number of young professionals being afflicted with back pain. Injuries, poor postures, obesity, heavy schoolbags and puberty are some of the reasons for poor spinal health. Therefore, back pain is a matter of concern and should not be neglected. Apart from diminishing your quality of life, back pain also affects your work and social engagements and in extreme cases,…

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What happens when you drink water in wrong ways

Please watch this video carefully how to drink water at what time before & after food ? it’s helpful, follow & Please share to others also Source: Homemade Solutions Disclaimer: All information, data and material has been sourced from multiple authors and is for general information and educational purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. The views and nutritional advice expressed are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see…

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Cure Back Pain Naturally with Naturopathy

Everybody knows back pain, other than common flu, it is the most common prominent health complication observed across the world. It has reached to younger generations in the recent past, and it’s no longer the illness associated with old age. Often combined with cramps, weakness or numbness, back pain only gets worse over the time. Back pain is caused due to a variety of reasons. Arthritis and Osteoporosis are the chief reason for back pain in older individuals but younger generations are increasingly affected due to stress, poor posture, obesity…

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4 vitamins for stronger teeth

SINGAPORE: Your diet – not your toothpaste, flossing or even brushing – is the real cause of tooth decay, said an Australia dentist. Dr Steven Lin, who is author of the upcoming book The Dental Diet, wrote in his blog that it’s not sugar alone that causes cavities; it’s the lack of teeth-strengthening nutrients in the modern Western diet. “Many mistakenly believe that they can prevent cavities and periodontal disease simply with good brushing habits and the right toothpaste – but this isn’t the most important factor,” he wrote in…

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Fracture Prone Bones? You May be Consuming Less Than 400 mg Calcium Daily

World Osteoporosis Day is observed on 20th October every year with an aim to spread awareness about the condition. World Osteoporosis Day is observed on 20th October every year with an aim to spread awareness about the condition and educate people on ways to prevent it effectively. Osteoporosis literally means porous bones, a condition wherein our bones begin to lose density and strength. In osteoporosis, the rate of bone-degeneration outpaces bone growth and repair. While a host of factors may influence the development of the condition, persistent low levels of…

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Natural Treatments for Hearing Loss

By Dr. Mao Shing Ni AN UNFORTUNATE FACT: THE AVERAGE PERSON starts losing hearing in his or her twenties.   The loss is so gradual that most people don’t notice until it affects their lives. Even when they need to use the highest volume on the television, some people don’t recognize or admit that they have a hearing problem. The gradual deterioration of hearing is primarily a result of the environmental, lifestyle, and dietary choices we make during our youth. The popularity of digital audio players is certainly adding to the problem of…

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Benefits of drinking Milk with Cinnamon

दूध (Milk) तो हम में से कई लोग पीते है फिर भी लोगो को शिकायत रहती है कि उन्हें दूध पचता नही है और ना ही शरीर को लगता है। आज हम आपको एक ऐसी चीज बतायेंगे जिसे दूध में डालकर पीने से आपका शरीर फौलाद की तरह बन जायेगा। आप बीमारियों से कोसों दूर हो जाएंगे और एक स्वस्थ-निरोगी काया पाएंगे। ये चीज है दालचीनी (Cinnamon)  जिसे हम दैनिक जीवन मे बहुतायत से उपयोग करते है पर इसके कई फायदों से अनजान हैं। दालचीनी को इसके अनोखे गुणों के…

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Research on Soft drinks side effects

Clinical research on side effects on body after drinking Soft Drinks Source : WhatsApp *Disclaimer: Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. The views and nutritional advice expressed are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.

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