Metabolism and Weight

QUESTION OF THE DAY Q: What is meant by basal metabolic rate? It depends on which factors? What is it’s effect on our weight? A: Basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy expressed in calories that a person needs to keep the body functioning at rest. Some of those processes are breathing, blood circulation, controlling body temperature, cell growth, brain and nerve function, and contraction of muscles. Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. During this complex biochemical process, calories…

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Are you Losing the War against Flu, Cold, and other Infections?

7 Foods that are Wrecking your Immune System without you Realizing It Do you catch the sniffles and cold, every single time it strikes someone in the office? The reason may be “your immune system might be down in the dumps.” The Body’s Natural Barrier to Diseases Your immune system is your natural barrier against disease, and it’s what keeps you healthy and hale. Think of it as your body’s gateway. A poorly maintained gate means the intruders (nasty viruses, bacteria, and fungi) have a gala time and walk into your…

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SuryaNamaskar-Let the Power of the Universe flow within You

People assume that Surya Namaskar is just another form of exercise to strengthen muscles. Yes, it certainly does that. But, it does so much MORE to your body, mind, and soul. Celebrities like Kareena Kapoor, Jenifer Aniston, and several others swear by the miraculous benefits of Surya Namaskar. Here, in this post, you can find all about the numerous benefits of adding this reinvigorating asana to your morning routine. What is the Surya Namaskar? Also, known as “Sun Salutation,” it’s an ancient practice of expressing respect and gratitude to the…

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Pranic Healing: Pranayam in Pranic Healing

Prana, literally, means flow of life, because the word pran means life and ‘A’ indicates movement of breath. Thus, Prana is a life sustaining electromotive force. Is Prana the oxygen only? No, oxygen is part of Prana, but prana is much more than that. It is all that we inhale from air, surcharged with the vitality of Solar Energy, plus high energy ionising Cosmic rays, plus ionising radiations from Uranium, Thorium, Potassium and radon/thoron radio-active gases always present in the Air, plus all those life giving nuclei present in the…

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How to Exercise

Bending upto a certain point is easy, beyond this point you feel tension in your muscles and if you still go further you will feel pain. Do you exercises upto the point of tension. If you keep on doing exercises the mobility of the joints goes on increasing. The point of pain becomes the point of tension in a few days and gradually you can still go beyond this point without pain. This principle has been used in exercising the patients with stiff joints passively. Movement and pain are indirectly…

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Eye Care: Vision Fitness Exercises for Specific Eye Parts

Eye Anatomy – Vision-Fitness Exercise Cornea – Blinking every three seconds Iris muscles/Pupil – Using full-spectrum lighting; exposing Lens/Ciliary muscle – closed eyes to sunlight and blinking Retina/Fovea Eye – Breathing; zooming (near/far focusing) Muscles Overall – Non-staring; moving the eyes frequently Eye/mind relaxation – Eye-muscle stretching Overall eye fitness – Palming the eyes, Visualizing the parts of the eye while exercising Palming: Place palms over your eyes, making sure that no pressure is involved, so that all light is shut out from them. Then make a conscious effort to…

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Stress Relief: Some Practical Suggestions for Stress Relief

Derail Your Train of Thoughts Try to slowdown and stop the everyday onslaught of thought that wears you out—especially the kind of circular thinking that gets you nowhere. It is important to avoid getting into such state of circular thinking that does not lead to any obvious solution. Perhaps there’s a simple thought or quote you can use to help you derail your train of thoughts and initiate your relaxation response. The Practice of Meditation Unlike prayer, where you do the talking, meditation is more akin to listening. Your breath…

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Selected Exercises that Can Be Done in Twenty Minutes

Selected exercises which could be done in twenty minutes with small rest periods are listed: Toe Touching Stand erect, feet together arm at side. Take a deep breathe. Raise head, breathe in deeply breathe out slowly as you go down. Touch the floor out side left foot, come up little and down again to touch floor between feet, and touch between feet once more. Come up and touch out side right foot. If you can not touch just move in that direction. Hold your breathe when you come up to…

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Breathe wholly and live a wholesome life We usually take breathing for granted. It is something that happens in the natural way and thus does not need a second thought. But this is only till the time the breathing is regular. Once you start facing breathing issues, every breath counts, literally. It has been seen that most people rush to the doctors for a dose of antibiotics to get a quick relief. While this can surely give you some relief, this is definitely not a long term solution. What you…

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Researchers have shown how yoga and meditation can have positive effects on stress resilience

They also observed increases in the magnitude of the cortisol awakening response (CAR) which is part of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis (HPA). Stress affects us all and it isn’t something we can entirely avoid. Researchers have shown how yoga and meditation can have positive effects on stress resilience. A research article investigates the effects of yoga and meditation on brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), the activity on the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) effects and inflammatory markers. By studying the participants of an intensive 3-month yoga and meditation retreat, the…

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