7 Natural Beauty Rules to Make You Look and Feel Younger

hy oh why? Is flawless skin, that’s radiant and glowing too much to ask for? Have you tried countless expensive makeup and cosmetic treatments available on the market, only to end up feeling frustrated? Wake up, every morning to see a tired and worn-out version of yourself in the mirror? Worry not! Here, we make beauty care easy for you, the all-natural way! With our best tips and tricks, you’ll not only look but also feel younger. Yep, that’s the beauty of a natural skin and face care regime. It…

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रात को नहीं खानी चाहिए ये 10 चीजें

हर व्यक्ति की खाने से जुड़ी अपनी अलग आदतें होती हैं। इसलिए कुछ लोग शाम के समय जल्दी खाना खा लेते हैं, जबकि कुछ लोग देर से खाते हैं। शरीर पर इन आदतों का तो असर पड़ता ही है, लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कि आपने रात को जो खाना खाया है, उसका सीधा असर आपकी नींद पर पड़ता है। जी हां, रात को सोने से पहले आपने जो खाना खाया है, यदि ठीक नहीं है तो आपको बहुत जल्दी गहरी नींद नहीं आएगी। आयुर्वेद में माना गया है कि…

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Eat Beetroot Salad For Dinner For 3 Days And See What Comes Out From Your Stomach… (Recipe)

This salad will help you cleanse your intestines and maintain a normal pH balance in your stomach. This means that the salad will benefit your digestive system. The ingredients that are used in this salad are rich in fiber, minerals and pectin, which will keep the intestinal flora in balance. Ingredients: • Olive oil • Lemon juice • Beets • Cabbage • Carrots Preparation: Chop and mix the cabbage, carrot and beets. You can also add a bit of celery. Leave it to rest a bit and then add lemon…

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Natural ingredients are medicine!

Even hidden in our lives around? 1. Natural kidney medicine – yam 2. Natural sleeping pills – bananas 3. Natural skin medicine – chamomile 4. Natural cold medicine – lemon 5. Natural stomach medicine – cabbage 6. Natural painkillers – ginger 7. Natural antihypertensive drugs – celery 8. Natural lipid-lowering drugs – hawthorn 9. Natural hypoglycemic agents – cinnamon 10. Natural anti-inflammatory drugs – honey 11. Natural laxative – prunes 12. Natural vitamins – strawberries 13. Natural anti-aging drugs – grapes 14. Natural heavy metal antidote – dragon fruit 15.…

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While genetic factors often play a role, triglyceride levels of 400 or higher can generally be normalized within 6 weeks with appropriate dietary intervention & right lifestyle altercations. People having high triglycerides may also have high blood pressure and blood sugar and be overweight.  Triglycerides are particles in the blood that transport fat. They come from excess sugar and fat intake in the diet and can also be made in the liver. High levels of triglycerides in the blood stream are a risk factor for heart disease and stroke as…

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5 Sure-shot Remedies for Flatulence (Fart)

If you thought you need some gas (read air) only to breath and be alive, you may be wrong enough! You also need to release gas (read fart) from your body to stay healthy! Yes, farting is what all do howsoever embarrassing it may be. All human beings have to pass wind (gas generated in the intestinal tract) through anus so that they are not a victim of some really nasty gases produced during digestion. So, whether you pass gas with a sound or fart silently, you do it and…

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Choose fruit, seasonal veggies to keep away sniffles

Several doctors will assure you that winter is the best time of the year if you stick to seasonal fruits and vegetables. “Take your pick from apples, bananas, oranges, pears, red grapes, kiwis, potatoes, peas or carrots and them to your diet. These food groups are packed with vitamins, minerals, fibre and rich in antioxidants, which prevent a number of ailments,” said Dr Fatima Chattriwala, consulting dietician, Sterling Wockhardt Hospital, Vashi. She said it is important to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables as they are fresh, which means they retain…

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Must read very useful: SOMETHING YOU MIGHT HAVE NOT KNOWN And NEED TO KNOW !! Ants Problem: Ants hate Cucumbers. “KEEP the skin of Cucumbers near the Place where they are or at Ant Hole. To make the Mirror Shine: “Clean with Sprite” To remove Chewing Gum from Clothes: “Keep the Cloth in the Freezer for One Hour” To Whiten White Clothes: “Soak White Clothes in hot water with a Slice of Lemon for 10 Minutes” To give a Shine to your Hair: “Add one Teaspoon of Vinegar to Hair, then wash Hair”…

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