A renowned cardiologist explains how eliminating wheat can IMPROVE your health. Cardiologist William Davis, MD, started his career repairing damaged hearts through angioplasty and bypass surgeries. “That’s what I was trained to do, and at first, that’s what I wanted to do,” he explains. But when his own mother died of a heart attack in 1995, despite receiving the best cardiac care, he was forced to face nagging concerns about his profession. “I’d fix a patient’s heart, only to see him come back with the same problems. It was just…
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Dementia care: Exercise to prevent symptoms & Five foods to avoid
1) Do this exercise to prevent symptoms of the condition developing DEMENTIA is an umbrella term used to describe different diseases which progressively damage the brain. There is currently no cure for the condition, but experts believe there are ways to prevent it developing. Dementia tends to occur in older people and triggers symptoms such as memory loss, difficulty concentrating and problems with planning and reasoning. The four main types of dementia are vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia, lewy body dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Getting older is the biggest risk factor…
Read MoreWorld Tuberculosis Day: Theme, Significance And Some Effective Home Remedies To Treat TB Naturally
World Tuberculosis Day: The theme is “It’s time”, referring to the urgency to act on the commitments made by global leaders to build accountability regarding TB and increase access of prevention and treatment of TB. World Tuberculosis (TB) Day 2019 is observed on March 24. Every year, the day is meant to raise awareness about the devastating consequences of TB and how to end the global epidemic of this lung disease. On march 24, 1882, TB bacterium was discovered by Dr Robert Koch. This marked the first step towards diagnosis…
Read Moreरात को नहीं खानी चाहिए ये 10 चीजें
हर व्यक्ति की खाने से जुड़ी अपनी अलग आदतें होती हैं। इसलिए कुछ लोग शाम के समय जल्दी खाना खा लेते हैं, जबकि कुछ लोग देर से खाते हैं। शरीर पर इन आदतों का तो असर पड़ता ही है, लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कि आपने रात को जो खाना खाया है, उसका सीधा असर आपकी नींद पर पड़ता है। जी हां, रात को सोने से पहले आपने जो खाना खाया है, यदि ठीक नहीं है तो आपको बहुत जल्दी गहरी नींद नहीं आएगी। आयुर्वेद में माना गया है कि…
Read More4 vitamins for stronger teeth
SINGAPORE: Your diet – not your toothpaste, flossing or even brushing – is the real cause of tooth decay, said an Australia dentist. Dr Steven Lin, who is author of the upcoming book The Dental Diet, wrote in his blog drstevenlin.com that it’s not sugar alone that causes cavities; it’s the lack of teeth-strengthening nutrients in the modern Western diet. “Many mistakenly believe that they can prevent cavities and periodontal disease simply with good brushing habits and the right toothpaste – but this isn’t the most important factor,” he wrote in…
Read MoreVitamin D Could Help Ensure Early Recovery from Burn Injuries: 5 High Vitamin D Foods You Must Have
According to the study, Vitamin D has antibacterial actions, which can help combat infection and thereby aid in wound healing of burn patients. Here’s another reason to soak up on the sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D for the longest time has been associated in strengthening bones in addition to ensuring smooth functioning of various body functions . According to a latest study, intake of Vitamin D may speed up the healing process for people suffering from burns. The findings suggest that vitamin D supplementation may be a simple and cost-effective treatment…
Read More7 symptoms that indicate your body lacks calcium & Must eat calcium rich vegetables
Calcium deficiency is slowly becoming a pandemic due to poor nutritional choices. Find out whether you too are suffering from it. By: Shraddha Rupavate Do you think drinking a glass of milk is enough to get your daily dose of calcium? But in reality, it is not. Although calcium plays a key role in the maintenance of strong and healthy bones, it also helps in blood clotting, early developmental growth and muscle contraction and relaxation. This mineral can be easily obtained from natural food sources like leafy vegetables, yogurt, nuts and…
Read MoreWorld Mental Health Day 2017: How Food Therapy May Help Promote Mental Health
By: Sarika Rana Mental Health conditions like depression, anxiety, mood swings, and stress have become common issues today, given the fast paced and stressful lives we lead. These mental disorders not only have an impact on our ability to work productively, but also ruin our social and personal lives. According to the World Health organization (WHO), globally more than 300 million people are suffering from depression; more than 260 million are living with anxiety disorders and most live with both these conditions. WHO commemorates World Mental Health on 10th October every year…
Read MoreThis Protein Could Be the Reason for Bone Loss in Elderly
Researchers from University of Alabama at Birmingham in the US found that a protein called Cbf-beta plays a critical role in maintaining the bone-producing cells As you age, the bone density starts thinning, which results in eventual bone loss and conditions like osteoporosis. Scientists have identified a mechanism that causes the body to stop creating bone-producing cells with age, using which one can now device preventive treatments and measure to stop the bone loss. Osteoporosis is a condition where the loss of bone density and bone thinning increase the risk…
Read MoreAvoid These 10 Foods To Avoid Worse Joint Pain
The pain in the joints significantly aggravates even the easiest daily activities and leads to inflammation, swellings, and discomfort. Numerous people suffer from these pains, no matter their age or gender. The pain can vary from mild to severe, from acute to chronic. The main causes of joint pain are gout and arthritis, as well as injuries, leukemia, broken or dislocated bones, fibromyalgia, strained muscles, lupus, and even bursitis. The pain in the joints might also be aggravated by certain foods, and in contrast, soothed by others. These are the…
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