36 Everyday Habits That Reduce Your Risk of Alzheimer’s

The dozens of choices you make over the course of any average day—ordering the curry vs. the samosas, reading the newspaper vs. watching the news—really can determine whether you’ll develop Alzheimer’s years from now as well as how quickly the disease will progress. Did you know that eating grilled meat could increase your risk of being struck down by dementia? Or that getting on the treadmill can help keep your brain sharp? The dozens of choices you make over the course of any average day—ordering the curry vs. the samosas,…

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Home Remedies for Chickenpox

Chickenpox is caused by the virus known as varicella-zoster and spreads easily from one person to another. This disease can spread through air or contact with saliva, mucus, or fluid from blisters of an infected individual. The infected person is contagious from a day or two before the rashes appear, until the time when all the blisters have dried. It usually takes 10-21 days for the symptoms to develop the symptoms after being exposed to the virus. The most common symptoms are an itchy rash and red spots or blisters all…

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11 Genius Home Remedies you must know!

Are you among those who pop a pill every time you experience some pain? Well, it’s time you turn to your kitchen. There are so many natural remedies available that can be utilized for your overall well being.   Have a look: Menstrual pain: Mix the juice of 2-3 lemons in cold water and have it every day for relief. Chronic headache: Peel and chop apple. Dash some salt and have it the first thing in the morning. Flatulence: Mix about 1/4th spoon of baking soda in water and drink for relief. Sore…

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Healing Herbs & Spices

Medicine Cabinet in your kitchen Oregano Mint Ginger Garlic Fenugreek Fennel Clove Sage Thyme Turmeric Basil Black Pepper Cayenne Cinnamon Dill Rosemary Source: blackhistorymonth2014.com

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7 Home Remedies to Help Boost Brain Power

In this fast paced world everyone’s looking be smarter and quicker than the next person.But what makes you that much better? The way your brain works. And just like all other organ in your body, the brain also starts losing its functioning as you age. So, wondering what you can do to give your brain that much needed boost? Well here are a few natural ways that might help. When it comes to improving the way your brain functions, there are a number of alternative therapies that can help. For instance deep…

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9 Ways to Loose Bad Breath Naturally

Certain foods, dry mouth, etc. can leave you with bad breath. But when you are on the go you cannot always rush to a restroom to brush your teeth. There are many mouth fresheners that are available in the market. But, how about carrying some natural breath fresheners readily available in your kitchen cabinet to help tame your bad mouth odour? Here is a list of few of them: 1. Fennel seeds or saunf Fennel seeds are routinely chewed upon after meals to alleviate indigestion. But did you know that they…

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5 Sure-shot Remedies for Flatulence (Fart)

If you thought you need some gas (read air) only to breath and be alive, you may be wrong enough! You also need to release gas (read fart) from your body to stay healthy! Yes, farting is what all do howsoever embarrassing it may be. All human beings have to pass wind (gas generated in the intestinal tract) through anus so that they are not a victim of some really nasty gases produced during digestion. So, whether you pass gas with a sound or fart silently, you do it and…

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Find the cure for PCOS in your kitchen

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is quite common these days. So, it’s not surprising to find many women taking medications, making lifestyle changes and embarking on a fitness regime just to keep the condition under control. But, did you know there are home remedies for it, too? All you need to do is step inside your kitchen and identify these everyday food ingredients and add them to your diet: Fenugreek (Methi seed) In women diagnosed with PCOS, insulin secreted by pancreas is not efficiently utilised by the tissues and this leads…

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Eat Vegetable Foods/Fruits

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Home Remedies for Gas

Although the production of gas is a natural part of the digestive process, many people dread the possibility of passing gas in front of others. An uncontrollable fart at an inconvenient time can make a person the butt of jokes for years to come. But problematic gas is no laughing matter. Excess gas in the stomach can be caused by a number of things, such as excessive drinking, not chewing your food thoroughly, eating spicy and gas-forming food, too much stress, some kind of bacterial infection, or digestive disorders. Symptoms…

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