Some common skin care problems are pricking and burning sensations, tiny and itchy bumps, oily skin, itchy rashes which comes with discomfort and pain, uneven skin tone, folliculitis, acne breakout and heat burn. The hot summer season is here! While we do take care of the nutritional requirement to beat the heat during summers, there are times we forget a proper skin care routine. During the hot and sultry weather, we do face a lot of skin problems. These may include pricking and burning sensations, tiny and itchy bumps, oily skin, itchy…
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World Malaria Day: How To Spot The First Symptom Of Malaria? All About Malaria And Preventive Tips
World Malaria Day: Malaria is most commonly spread by a mosquito bite. Read here to know how to spot the first symptom of malaria and what you can do to prevent this disease. April 25 is observed as World Malaria Day. Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite that is transmitted to humans through mosquito bite. People who have malaria usually have high fever, experience shaking chills and feel very sick. On the occasion of World Malaria Day, we take a look at common causes, signs and symptoms of malaria and…
Read MoreNew from the Old: Know how to Use your Old Spices!
By: Sheetal Dhamecha As per a report by Popular Science, spices spread the small amount of chemical they contain in our food. Spices keep changing phases, the clock starts ticking after they’re harvested. Though it varies from spice to spice, usually, the spices lose much of the potency in a year and by the end of three years, they need replacement. However, before disposing of your spices, you must reconsider, as they might be used in many other ways. Deal with Year Old Spices, ‘The less than fresh category’! Adding heat can transform spices, enhancing their smell…
Read MoreHuman Happiness
“ I am rich, fit, and I have mastered almost everything I wanted to master. Why am I still not happy and still not satisfied?” – posted in Quora by Anonymous Answer by Karim Elsheikh: “Human happiness (as we know it) is caused by 4 basic chemicals: Dopamine Endorphins Serotonin Oxytocin On your journey to become fit, your body released endorphins to cope with the pain of physical exercise. You probably began to enjoy exercise as you got into it, and the endorphins made you happy – temporarily. On…
Read MoreYour clothes can spike chances of urinary tract infection
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), in particular, increases in incidence during this time and women, more than men, are prone to it. What’s more trendy, figure hugging jeans and other tight clothing further increases chances of UTI. Rain and humidity make for a perfect breeding ground for bacterial growth, leading to infection. Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), in particular, increases in incidence during this time and women, more than men, are prone to it. What’s more trendy, figure hugging jeans and other tight clothing further increases chances of UTI. Doctors say that…
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