प्रत्येक घर में एक रसोई होती है, और इस रसोई में एक डॉक्टर छुपा बैठा होता है, बिना फीस वाला । आइए आज अपने उसी डॉक्टर से आपका परिचय करायें । ? 1- केवल सेंधा नमक का प्रयोग करने पर आप थायराइड और ब्लडप्रेशर से बचे रह सकते हैं, यही नहीं, आपका पेट भी ठीक रहेगा । ? 2- कोई भी रिफाइंड न खाकर तिल, सरसों, मूंगफली या नारियल के तेल का प्रयोग आपके शरीर को कई बीमारियों से बचायेगा, रिफाइंड में कई हानिकारक कैमिकल होते हैं । ? 3- सोयाबीन की बड़ी…
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Treating Chickenpox At Home: Amazing Home Remedies That Can Help You Deal With Chickenpox Easily
Some common symptoms of chickenpox are fever, pain in the eyelids, headache, rashes in the body, muscle ache, loss of appetite and even nausea. Chickenpox or also known as varicella, is a highly contagious infection which is caused by the varicella zoster virus. Most cases of chickenpox occur through the contact with an infected person. The virus is contagious to those around you for one to two days before your blisters appear. Varicella zoster virus remains contagious until all the blisters have crusted over. It is very uncomfortable and most people recover within…
Read MoreMigraine Remedies
परिचय : जब मनुष्य के सिर के आधे भाग में दर्द हो और आधे भाग में दर्द न हो तो उसे आधासीसी या माईग्रेन कहते हैं। विभिन्न भाषाओं में नाम : हिन्दी आधा कपाल, आधासीसी अंग्रेज़ी हेमिक्रेनिया अरबी आधा कपालि नूरार विश बंगाली आधा कपाली गुजराती आधा शीशी कन्नड अरेतले नोवु मलयालम ओरचेनी कुटटु मराठी अरधशीशी उड़ीया अधा कपाली तमिल ओत्रयथथलइवली तेलगु अरतला नोप्पि कारण : मानसिक व शारीरिक थकावट, अधिक गुस्सा करना, चिन्ता करना, आंखों का अधिक थक जाना, अत्यधिक रूप से भावनाओं में बहकर भावुक होना, भोजन…
Read MoreRemedies to Kill Cancer Cells
Hot coconut water can save you a lifetime Cut 2 to 3 thin coconut flakes in a cup, add hot water, it will become “alkaline water”, drink every day, it is good for anyone. Hot Coconut water releases an anti-cancer substance, which is the latest advance in the effective treatment of cancer in the medical field. Hot coconut juice has an effect on cysts and tumors. Proven to remedy all types of cancer. This type of treatment with coconut extract only destroys malignant cells, it does not affect healthy cells.…
Read MoreTop Secret Revealed – Nature’s Shield against Lung and Throat Infections
Relieve Pain & Fight Infections without Pills and Antibiotics Consider Infections and Allergies as text messages that your body sends to you, stating that something is wrong. Stress and improper diets are often the main reason for an overtaxed immune system. In this article, we take a look at what you can do to prevent, cure or alleviate chest and throat infections naturally. Your lungs are one of the most worked organs in your body. Sadly, they are the most abused as well. Meaning, you end up with respiratory tract…
Read MoreSelect right vegetable Juices for your DISEASES
Following vegetables gives instant benefits than any other vegetables in the market. Let us see each vegetables speciality individually. Ash gourd (राख लौकी, पेठा फल/सफ़ेद कोहड़ू) : Regular use of green and red chillies in food causes various gastro intestinal troubles. Prolonged gastric ulcer may result in cancer. Even then the cancer ulcers can be easily healed by taking 200 gm of raw Ash Gourd Vegetable three times a day. Ash Gourd is a natural Gastroenterologist Brinjal (बैंगन) : Our body is of 75% water which is easily infected by present…
Read MoreNational Dengue Day 2018: This Juice Could Prove To Be An Effective Remedy For Dengue Fever
National Dengue day is aimed towards spreading awareness about Dengue fever, make people understand the condition and how to take preventive steps It is the National Dengue Day today. National Dengue day is aimed towards spreading awareness about Dengue fever, make people understand the condition and how to take preventive steps. Each year, dengue fever causes significant casualties. In the year 2017, India saw 11,832 more cases of dengue compared with 2016, and the number of deaths from the vector-borne disease was also higher than the last year. According to…
Read MoreSugar Overload May Cause Weight Gain and Other Problems: 5 Ways To Cut Down On Sugar
Excessive consumption of sugar, can put your health at major risk. The zero nutrient value of sugar does not help your body and instead leads to weight gain and other ailments in the body Let’s admit it, one cupcake or an ice cream a day can put a bevy of our daily woes at bay. And, it is totally okay to indulge yourself with these sugary treats once in a while. It is only when you overdo it, that the problem arise.An overload of sugar, sits in the system as…
Read MoreHere’s How Coconut Can Do Wonders For Your Skin And Diet
Coconuts are versatile; they can be used as a fruit, in desserts and in savouries. In fact they dominate quite a part in the Southern Indian dishes Coconuts are versatile; they can be used as a fruit, in desserts and in savouries. In fact they dominate quite a part in the Southern Indian dishes. It is a part of every celebration, as an ingredient in the delicacies prepared, as offering to the gods and to mark an auspicious occasion. Not only are they used for their mild flavours, but also…
Read Moreडेंगू बुखार में खून की कमी होने से बचाएंगे ये 6 TIPS
बारिश में मच्छरों के बढ़ने से डेंगू का खतरा अधिक होता है। इस बीमारी के होने पर ब्लड में प्लेटेलेट्स की संख्या बढ़ जाती है। अगर समय रहते ध्यान न रखा जाए तो यह बीमारी जानलेवा हो सकती है। इससे बचने के लिए अपनी डाइट में इन चीजों को जरूर शामिल करें In This video 6 Remedies are very helpful for dengue fever https://videodelivery-bhaskar.akamaized.net/delivery/nat/2017/08/03/33_dbtv_nt_dengu_jk_201708031004_480k.mp4 Source: https://dbvideos.bhaskar.com/tips/6-tips-to-stay-save-from-dengue-56620.html
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