Collective Consciousness

by Meena Om Our gyan, knowledge is meaningless unless we connect to a higher self through the concept of awareness and collective consciousness. Collectivity and connectivity together make things happen. Schools are a great example of this. There is great continuity of thought between teachers and students. Collectivity makes the children eager to do what the others are doing. If one yells, others will yell too, one jumps, others will jump too. But as we become older, ego surfaces and we become more inclined to show how different we are…

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How to Trigger Brain Stimulation with These 8 Everyday Activities

It is important to keep our brains healthy, so try the following everyday activities to trigger brain stimulation, improve cognitive abilities and reduce cognitive decline. We rely on our brains for everything, yet we often don’t think about taking care of them. Luckily, it is quite easy to look after our brains. Most of the things we do for our bodies, such as following a good diet and taking exercise are also good for our brains. But there are also a few brain stimulation exercises we can use to keep our…

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