Cutting screen use may reverse sleep problems in teens

Limiting exposure to blue-light emitting devices such as phones and laptops in the evening for just a week can help teenagers improve their sleep quality and reduce symptoms of fatigue, lack of concentration and bad mood, a study has found. Recent studies have indicated that exposure to too much evening light, particularly the blue light emitted from screens on smartphones, tablets and computers can affect the brain’s clock and the production of the sleep hormone melatonin, resulting in disrupted sleep time and quality. The lack of sleep does not just cause immediate symptoms of tiredness and poor concentration but can also increase…

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Here’s why excessive screen time is harmful for your kid

Smartphones and watching television is associated with heightened levels and diagnoses of anxiety or depression in children as young as age two. Parents, take note! A recent study has highly recommended reduced screen time for the well being of kids. According to the findings of the San Diego State University, too much time spent on gaming, smartphones and watching television is associated with heightened levels and diagnoses of anxiety or depression in children as young as age two. The study has been published in the journal Preventive Medicine Reports. Even…

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World Glaucoma Day: How to preserve eye health

Solid eyesight – and the ability to take in the visual world around us – is often something we take for granted. There’s no better time than World Glaucoma Day on March 12 and World Glaucoma Week in general, then, to take stock of your vision and learn how to spot the symptoms of glaucoma, which can lead to permanent eye damage. Glaucoma is an umbrella term encompassing several different eye diseases that damage the eye’s optic nerve, the nerve that transfers visual information from the retina to the brain.…

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Smartphones and TV Watching Can Put Kids at Diabetes Risk

Almost every child of this generation is guilty for spending too much time in front of screens such as TV, mobiles, tablets, etc. We are glued to the screens so often that it has ceased to be just another technology but one of the most significant elements in our lives. While we are all aware of its repercussions on our eyes and brain, our dependence is such that we cannot live without them. And our children are only taking after us. Endless apps, TV series, films, social media activities are…

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