Prepare Papaya leaves juice to increase Platelets count

  Source: Geeta Tips on YouTube   Disclaimer: All information, data and material has been sourced from multiple authors and is for general information and educational purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. The views and nutritional advice expressed are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.

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Do you know why we fall sick during monsoons?

Cold, flu, throat infection, viral fever and what not; A number of diseases tag along monsoons. Do you know why? Monsoons in India aren’t a cakewalk. It is followed by a myriad of problems including water-logged streets, frequent power cuts and not to forget, frequent breakouts. But apart from this, there’s one negative aspect of monsoons we cannot ignore. Have you observed the pattern that people often fall sick during monsoons? Look around yourself, you will find everyone either struggling with their runny nose or calling sick due to viral…

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National Dengue Day 2018: This Juice Could Prove To Be An Effective Remedy For Dengue Fever

National Dengue day is aimed towards spreading awareness about Dengue fever, make people understand the condition and how to take preventive steps It is the National Dengue Day today. National Dengue day is aimed towards spreading awareness about Dengue fever, make people understand the condition and how to take preventive steps. Each year, dengue fever causes significant casualties. In the year 2017, India saw 11,832 more cases of dengue compared with 2016, and the number of deaths from the vector-borne disease was also higher than the last year. According to…

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National Dengue Day Tomorrow: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention & Home Remedies

Dengue prevention and control is everyone’s responsibility; together we can make a difference. National Dengue Day was first observed on 16th of May, 2016 by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India. The aim of this day is to control the Dengue through create awareness, initiate preventive actions and continue till transmission season is over. Dengue is a common viral disease spread by mosquito bite. It is transmitted by a mosquito called Aedes Aegypti. It occurs in two forms. The first form is, Classical Dengue fever also known…

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World Malaria Day 2018 (Yesterday): 5 Natural Remedies To Keep Mosquitoes Away

On occasion of World Malaria Day 2018, here are 5 effective tips on how to keep mosquitoes away, and thus protect yourself from Malaria. It was the world Malaria Day yesterday. Come summers and the cases of malaria, chikunguniya and dengue reaches are all across the papers. World Malaria Day is celebrated every year on 25 April to recognize global efforts to control malaria, and spread awareness to bring down the cases of Malaria, that manages to get millions around the world in its grip each year.The theme of World…

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How to make Giloy juice at home using Giloy sticks

Watch attached videos to know simple steps to make Giloy juice at home using Giloy sticks to cure various ailments    Source: Awesome Garden Source: Pawan Lahoti Source: KalaaChandrika Disclaimer: All information, data and material has been sourced from multiple authors and is for general information and educational purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. The views and nutritional advice expressed are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.

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10 Amazing Benefits of Giloy: The Ayurvedic Root of Immortality

Here are 10 incredible Giloy benefits, from treating chronic fever to boosting digestion and immunity. “Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia) is an Ayurvedic herb that has been used and advocated in Indian medicine for ages”, says Delhi-based Nutritionist Anshul Jaibharat. In Sanskrit, Giloy is known as ‘Amrita’, which literally translates to ‘the root of immortality’, because of its abundant medicinal properties. “The stem of Giloy is of maximum utility, but the root can also be used. Its benefits and uses have even been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)”, adds…

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Remedies for Dengue Prevention

See natural remedies video for prevention of Dengue mosquitoes Source: WhatsApp Disclaimer: Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. The views and nutritional advice expressed are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.

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डेंगू बुखार में खून की कमी होने से बचाएंगे ये 6 TIPS

बारिश में मच्छरों के बढ़ने से डेंगू का खतरा अधिक होता है। इस बीमारी के होने पर ब्लड में प्लेटेलेट्स की संख्या बढ़ जाती है। अगर समय रहते ध्यान न रखा जाए तो यह बीमारी जानलेवा हो सकती है। इससे बचने के लिए अपनी डाइट में इन चीजों को जरूर शामिल करें In This video 6 Remedies are very helpful for dengue fever Source:

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