Acupuncture and Acupressure are forms of Traditional Chinese medicine that focus on Qi, which is considered the body’s life force energy. Studies link the two treatments with a plethora of health benefits involving everything from your digestive system to mood disorders. While the methods share similarities, they also differ in significant ways. Here’s everything you need to know about acupuncture and acupressure—and whether either may be a good fit for you. What Is Acupuncture? Acupuncture involves the insertion of hair-thin, sterile needles into different points in the body by licensed,…
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You and the Sun staying healthy with the sun energy
by Dr Partap Chauhan Have you ever taken a moment to realize the beautiful relationship between the Sun and our Earth? Just a little bit closer to Sun, and the Earth would have been completely inhospitable like the Venus where temperatures rise to 460 degree Celsius, a little further away and it would have been frozen and lifeless like Mars! At the third position from the Sun, all conditions were perfect for life to form on Earth. The Sun is truly life-giving energy, and you, I and every other living…
Read MoreFrom Diabetes To Thyroid, This Yoga Asana Has Numerous Health Benefits That You Can Bank On: Try It Today To Get Ready For The Weekend!
Thyroid, diabetes, and back pain are just a few of the many benefits of sarvangasana. Try this yoga pose today to get ready for the weekend! The weekend is right around the corner and we can’t help but give you some tips for both motivation and relaxation. After all, not every weekend is supposed to be spent partying and having a great time. Some of them also need to be spent in focusing on yourself, in rejuvenating and refreshing yourself from week after week of packed schedule. Helping us with…
Read More10 refreshing homemade summer drink recipes you must try to beat the heat and stay healthy
Try these 10 cooling summer drinks to help you beat the heat and stay healthy. These drinks are nutritious and a great way to increase your fruit and vegetable intake. The warm summer days are here, which means it’s time to enjoy some refreshing homemade beverages that will not only help quench your thirst but also give your health a boost. These refreshing drinks are pleasing to your taste buds and low in calories, making them a perfect drink to beat the heat without sabotaging your weight loss diet. What’s…
Read MoreType 2 diabetes: Here is how the otherwise healthy apples affect your blood sugar levels
Apples have a lot of health benefits like improving digestion, helping in weight loss, keeping the heart healthy, and may also help in warding off breast cancer. Apples also help improve neurological health. Since childhood, everyone has dreaded going to the doctor because there may be blood, bitter medicines, or an injection coming our way when we do. Probably cashing in on that fear, they created the saying that an apple a day would keep the doctor away. However, apples did prove their mettle when they actually helped to keep…
Read MoreSit down to drink water, here’s what Ayurveda says
by Dr Partap Chauhan Why do people often tell you to sit down before drinking water? What happens if you drink when you are in a standing position? Let’s see what Ayurveda says. It is natural Nature knows what is best for us. The majority of diseases today happen because we adamantly try to go against nature. And, nature intended us to be in a sitting position to drink water. Observe nature. Many people cite the example of cows, elephants or goats that stand up to drink water. It is simply…
Read MoreAre all salad combinations healthy?
by Dr Partap Chauhan Just the presence of the word ‘Salad’ in the name of a dish does not automatically make it healthy. In recent years, with the growing awareness of eating healthy greens, we are choosing dishes that are commonly referred to as salads. But are they all healthy? Here is an Ayurvedic perspective on this matter, and what you should put together in a healthy salad. Salad vs. ‘Healthy’ Salad – Avoiding Virrudh Ahaar There is a big difference between a salad and a healthy salad. By definition,…
Read Moreगाजर मिक्स वेज जूस के फायदे
गाजर मिक्स वेज जूस के फायदों से अवगत करवाया जा रहा है। ?हमारी प्रकृति में गाजर एक अत्यंत ही बेहतरीन ऊर्जावान,पोषक तत्वों से युक्त वनस्पति है जो कई गुणों की खान है। गाजर में फाइबर,पोटेशियम,विटामिन B1,B2,B6,विटामिन A, विटामिन C, विटामिन E,विटामिन K ,मैंगनीज,नियासिन,पेन्थोंथेनिक एसिड,फास्फोरस,फोलेट,बायोटिन,मोलिब्डेनम और कॉपर से युक्त होती है। सर्दियों में प्रतिदिन गाजर का मिक्स जूस शरीर और सेहत के लिए बहुत ही फायदेमंद है। ? सारी जानकारी गाजर जूस पर किये गए रिसर्च को हिंदी में अनुवाद करके इक्कठी की गई है। ?नोट– गाजर जूस के साथ आंवला,चकुंदर,टमाटर,पुदीना…
Read MoreIncredible Benefits Of Basil Leaves & How You Can Add More Basil In Your Diet
Basil, or tulsi, is one of the oldest herbs known to the mankind. It is known for its strong healing and medicinal properties. The holy basil is quite often used in a number of prasad preparations and also forms an intrinsic part of various stews and curries. One can still see basil plants outside many Indian households, even outside the clamped urban flats. Holy basil is offered to Gods in the form of prasad. Some say, that it is prohibited to even chew the holy basil leaves; one is supposed to swallow…
Read More3 benefits you get by maintaining ideal gap between meals
by Dr Partap Chauhan Diabetes, Heart diseases and Hypertension are some of the common problems that arise out of Obesity, a problem that is primarily caused because of overeating. When you eat more than your body needs, you invite a lot of problems, some of which such as heart problems, can become life-threatening. But if you eat your meals by maintaining proper gaps in between, you get many health benefits, here are three of them. 1.Strong Agni (better digestion) The digestive fire in your gut is responsible for digesting foods. When…
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