‘World running out of antibiotics, pathogens getting resistant,’ WHO warns

Besides TB, the WHO has also identified 12 classes of priority pathogens — including common infections like pneumonia or urinary tract infections — that are increasingly resistant to existing antibiotics and urgently in need of new treatments. Antibiotics that are currently in clinical development are insufficient to combat the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance, a World Health Organisation (WHO) report said. Most of the drugs currently in the clinical phase are modifications of existing classes of antibiotics and are only short-term solutions, WHO said. There are, however, very few potential…

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Antibiotics pose environmental risks

LONDON: Although antibiotics prevent bacterial infections, they may adversely harm microbes that are essential to a healthy environment, a study has warned.This may in its turn significantly impact people’s lives around the world, it said. When people take antibiotics, their bodies break down and metabolise only a portion of the drugs. The rest is excreted and enters wastewater. As wastewater treatment plants are not designed to fully remove antibiotic or other pharmaceutical compounds, many of these compounds reach natural systems where they could accumulate and harm the “good” microbes.That’s a…

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Struggling to sleep? Cultivating a purpose in life will help

A study, based on older adults, suggests cultivating purpose in life could be drug-free strategy to improve sleep. This is the first study to show having a purpose in life specifically results in fewer sleep disturbances and improved sleep quality and over a long period of time. Previous research showed having a purpose in life generally improves overall sleep when measured at a single point in time. Although the participants in the study were older, researchers said the findings are likely applicable to the broader public. “Helping people cultivate a…

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