Thyroid, diabetes, and back pain are just a few of the many benefits of sarvangasana. Try this yoga pose today to get ready for the weekend! The weekend is right around the corner and we can’t help but give you some tips for both motivation and relaxation. After all, not every weekend is supposed to be spent partying and having a great time. Some of them also need to be spent in focusing on yourself, in rejuvenating and refreshing yourself from week after week of packed schedule. Helping us with…
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Charan Sparsh – Touching the feet of the elderly gives you these benefits
by Dr Partap Chauhan The act of touching the feet of the elderly to seek blessings is as old as our traditions. In addition to being an act of showing respect, there are several health benefits of Charan Sparsh. Transfer of energy aura When you touch the feet of your elders, teachers and parents your fingertips and palm connect with their feet and as they place their palm to touch your head, an energy transfer occurs. The positive energy flows into your body and increases your Prana energy. Modesty through introspection …
Read MoreManifesting Good Health
by Arogyadham Maa Yoga Ashram What is a good health? The person who is able to dance like a child, who is able to jump like a child, who has no burden in his mind, a person who stands instantly as a child and sits instantly like a frog. How active is he? He is definitely a healthy person from which the energy is bursting every day. When we come to the point of health, everyone is definitely concerned with the healing of body organs, mental and physical affairs. “Natural…
Read Moreभोजन करने के नियम (Rules for having Meals)
1. खाने से पूर्व अन्नपूर्णा माता की स्तुति करके उनका धन्यवाद देते हुए, तथा सभी भूखो को भोजन प्राप्त हो इर्श्वर (God) से ऐसी प्राथना (Prayer) करके भोजन करना चाहिए । 2. गृहस्थ के लिए प्रातः (Morning & Evening) और सायं (दो समय) ही भोजन का विधान है । 3. दोनो हाथ, दोनो पैर और मुख, इन पाँच अंगो को धोकर (Wash both hands, legs & face before meals) भोजन करने वाला दीर्घजीवी होता है। 4. भींगे पैर खाने से आयु की वृद्धि होती है 5. सुखे पैर, जुते पहने…
Read MoreHappy Teacher’s Day 2018: Teachers, these health tips are for you
If you are able to read this, thank a teacher. Teaching is one of the most revered profession, given the fact that it is our teachers who are the ones who enabled us to chase our dreams. It is no doubt that their guidance, praises and even occasional scoldings have made sure that we do well in all the tests of life. Teaching may have looked all fun and games during our childhood– checking notebooks and writing on the blackboard– we obviously know better now that it is one of…
Read MoreSelected Exercises that Can Be Done in Twenty Minutes
Selected exercises which could be done in twenty minutes with small rest periods are listed: Toe Touching Stand erect, feet together arm at side. Take a deep breathe. Raise head, breathe in deeply breathe out slowly as you go down. Touch the floor out side left foot, come up little and down again to touch floor between feet, and touch between feet once more. Come up and touch out side right foot. If you can not touch just move in that direction. Hold your breathe when you come up to…
by Lloyd Sometimes certain health conditions open our awareness to the importance of a balanced lifestyle. Regular medical checkups, exercise and a healthy nutrition are essential to maintain and protect our bodies. Next to all of these we should not forget that there are more ways we can assist our body in the healing process. This article is about KidneyReflexologyFoot Massage, an old traditional form of healing. This practice has been known throughout the ancient China and Egypt, dating far back as 4,000 B.C. In the Traditional Chinese Medicine the Kidney Reflexology point…
Stand Tall, Stand Proud Believe it or not, posture matters. It works wonders for your body language, thus giving out positive signs about your confidence. However, it is not just confined to your appearance and how others perceive you. Your posture also plays a vital role in maintaining the curve of your spine as well as your overall health. So, if as a child you had ever thought as to what all the brouhaha about posture is, now you know the reason. A bad posture can hurt both your body…
Read MoreNaturopathy Offers Relief to Cancer Patients, Find Out How!
For years, doctors have struggled to find the perfect solution to treat and possibly cure cancer. Alas, they have not succeeded! However, recently doctors have decided to use integrated medicine with cancer treatment and that has proved to be quite effective. In a majority of cases, patients suffering from cancer have to undergo radiation or chemotherapy and that causes a number of side-effects, such as: Diarrhea or mouth sores Fatigue Joint pain Tingling and numbness in the hands or feet Radiation induced dermatitis Nausea and vomiting Insomnia Immune system modulation…
Read MoreKnow the signs of heart failure
Feeling of palpitations and heart throbbing suggests that the heart would be pumping faster to compensate for the reduced functional capacity of the heart. A light-headed feeling and increased heart rate are some of the signs of heart failure that one should not ignore, say experts. With World Heart Day, which falls on September 29, coming up, Sanjay Kumar, Advisor to Credihealth and Sonia Narang, Nutrition and Wellness Expert, Oriflame India, have listed some signs to detect heart failure. Light-headed feeling: Since the heart is not functioning effectively, it is…
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