Here’s Why ‘Healthy Eating’ May be Destroying Your Vision

The obsession of losing weight and switching to healthy eating without knowing what it actually is, has become a common problem. Some health experts suggest that an obsession with healthy eating may paradoxically be endangering lives. According to the Paris nutritionist Sophie Ortega, a pure unbending vegan diet can lead to B12 deficiency. B12 is not made by the body and most people get the required nutrient from animal products like eggs, dairy products, meat or fish. If untreated, a vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to vision loss, weakness, tiredness…

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Vitamin D Could Help Ensure Early Recovery from Burn Injuries: 5 High Vitamin D Foods You Must Have

According to the study, Vitamin D has antibacterial actions, which can help combat infection and thereby aid in wound healing of burn patients. Here’s another reason to soak up on the sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D for the longest time has been associated in strengthening bones in addition to ensuring  smooth functioning of various body functions . According to a latest study, intake of Vitamin D may speed up the healing process for people suffering from burns. The findings suggest that vitamin D supplementation may be a simple and cost-effective treatment…

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This Protein Could Be the Reason for Bone Loss in Elderly

Researchers from University of Alabama at Birmingham in the US found that a protein called Cbf-beta plays a critical role in maintaining the bone-producing cells As you age, the bone density starts thinning, which results in eventual bone loss and conditions like osteoporosis. Scientists have identified a mechanism that causes the body to stop creating bone-producing cells with age, using which one can now device preventive treatments and measure to stop the bone loss. Osteoporosis is a condition where the loss of bone density and bone thinning increase the risk…

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डेंगू बुखार में खून की कमी होने से बचाएंगे ये 6 TIPS

बारिश में मच्छरों के बढ़ने से डेंगू का खतरा अधिक होता है। इस बीमारी के होने पर ब्लड में प्लेटेलेट्स की संख्या बढ़ जाती है। अगर समय रहते ध्यान न रखा जाए तो यह बीमारी जानलेवा हो सकती है। इससे बचने के लिए अपनी डाइट में इन चीजों को जरूर शामिल करें In This video 6 Remedies are very helpful for dengue fever Source:

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Detox yourself with this expert-recommended diet plan

Consult a nutritionist before you undergo such a diet and inform him/her about any health problems you are suffering from. By – Neha Chandna In today’s hectic lifestyle, our bodies are exposed to a lot of toxins through air pollution, food and water. Use of preservatives in packaged food, presence of pesticides in vegetables all lead to toxins depositing in our body. Some of the harmful effects of this toxicity are indigestion, headache, tiredness, skin problems, poor concentration, etc. It is important to go on a detox diet in order to…

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While genetic factors often play a role, triglyceride levels of 400 or higher can generally be normalized within 6 weeks with appropriate dietary intervention & right lifestyle altercations. People having high triglycerides may also have high blood pressure and blood sugar and be overweight.  Triglycerides are particles in the blood that transport fat. They come from excess sugar and fat intake in the diet and can also be made in the liver. High levels of triglycerides in the blood stream are a risk factor for heart disease and stroke as…

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International Women’s Day 2017: Top 6 Nutrients That Are Essential for Good Health

By- Tanu Ganguly International Women’s Day is celebrated on 8th March each year and this year too there are tons of events and activities planned around it. Men and women across the world will raise a toast to the continuing social, cultural and economic achievements of women. What started as a multitude of smaller events and marches in the early 1900s is today a global celebration of the modern woman. 8th March is also celebrated as the United Nations (UN) Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace. How are women’s bodies…

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How to eat when preparing for exam

By: Annabel Dsouza While the three-big-meals-a day is common and convenient, exam time requires a slow but steady flow of energy to the body and hence, having frequent smaller meals is a good idea. “Even a slight, involuntary feeling of hunger can break the flow of study and impair concentration. Hence, avoid heavy meals during the day; opt for light fibre rich foods like fresh fruit or bhel every two hours. A little bit of dark chocolate can also be useful in feeling satiated. Avoid processed foods as they tend…

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By Dr. Stephen Carr Leon   Since I spent about 3 years in Israel for internship in a few hospital there, it came to my mind about doing research on  “Why the Jews are Intelligent.”   It goes without denial that Jews are ahead in all aspects of life such as engineering, music, science and most obvly  in business –  nearly 70% of world trade/business are held by the Jews – in cosmetics, food, fashion, arms, hotels and film industries (Hollywood etc).   During my 2nd year, I was about…

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Five Simple Tips for Reducing Forgetfulness!

Forgetfulness is one of the most common problems that many people face today. It can be defined as a ‘memory loss’ or a ‘persistent failure’ to remember. Forgetfulness can be frustrating and can affect or even cost your job. It can also affect your home life. Forgetfulness is linked to the executive functions in the brain – processes which help in managing, organising, and disseminating information. While mild forgetfulness is considered as a normal part of aging, when it happens more than it should it can trigger fears of looming…

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