Do Good, but Expect Nothing

by P Vaidyanathan There is a famous old Hindi saying which roughly translated says “Do good, and then throw it into the river”. What it essentially means is that you need to do what you need to do, you need to do good, be kind, be honest, be compassionate and forgiving, but having done that, stop right there, and throw your expectations into the river. End of story. Human beings have been given a belief, by their parents, by their teachers, and by society in general, that if you do good,…

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For Pain, Loss, and Betrayal

by Kaldan Doma Human beings are creatures of habit, driven by emotion just as strongly as by reason. We become used to being a certain way, and over time, our reactions to people, things, and situations around us also begin to follow a pattern. Especially when those situations involve pain, loss or betrayal, our reactions can be predicted based on the personalities we’ve developed over the years. But we don’t all react the same way – some of us find it harder to deal with pain and betrayal than others. Some…

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Being happy and healthy starts with small, everyday habits and trying some of makethese can make a huge difference to your life.   ? Life Circumstances Have Little To Do With Happiness. ? Much Happiness Is Under Your OWN Control. ? It’s The Product Of Your Habits And Your Outlook TOWARDS Life. ? You Either Create Happiness Or You Don’t. When it comes to making yourself happy, you need to learn what works for you.  And making yourself happy doesn’t just improve your performance; it is also good for your…

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Harvard University Recommended 20 Happy Habits for 2016.

1. Be grateful. Slow down, look around you, and pay attention to the little details in your life – the delicate purple flower on the sidewalk, the beautiful sunset, the hot shower that washes away your long day, and the smile in your partner’s eyes… When you have a grateful heart that is appreciative of life’s beautify, wonder and blessings, you’re automatically filled with happiness. 2. Choose your friends wisely. According to Harvard, the most important external factors affecting individual happiness are human relationships. So if you want to be…

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