गाजर मिक्स वेज जूस के फायदे

गाजर मिक्स वेज  जूस के फायदों से अवगत करवाया जा रहा है। ?हमारी प्रकृति में गाजर एक अत्यंत ही बेहतरीन ऊर्जावान,पोषक तत्वों से युक्त वनस्पति है जो कई गुणों की खान है। गाजर में फाइबर,पोटेशियम,विटामिन B1,B2,B6,विटामिन A, विटामिन C, विटामिन E,विटामिन K ,मैंगनीज,नियासिन,पेन्थोंथेनिक एसिड,फास्फोरस,फोलेट,बायोटिन,मोलिब्डेनम और कॉपर से युक्त होती है। सर्दियों में प्रतिदिन गाजर का मिक्स जूस शरीर और सेहत के लिए बहुत ही फायदेमंद है। ? सारी जानकारी गाजर जूस पर किये गए रिसर्च को हिंदी में अनुवाद करके इक्कठी की गई है। ?नोट– गाजर जूस के साथ आंवला,चकुंदर,टमाटर,पुदीना…

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Metabolism and Weight

QUESTION OF THE DAY Q: What is meant by basal metabolic rate? It depends on which factors? What is it’s effect on our weight? A: Basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy expressed in calories that a person needs to keep the body functioning at rest. Some of those processes are breathing, blood circulation, controlling body temperature, cell growth, brain and nerve function, and contraction of muscles. Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. During this complex biochemical process, calories…

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6 Incredible Benefits of Asparagus, the Nutrient Powerhouse

A popular ingredient in gourmet dishes across the world, asparagus scores high for its delicate flavour and appealing form. When in season, it comes packed with health boosting goodness that adding it to your daily diet can help you in numerous ways. Asparagus or garden asparagus, scientifically called Asparagus officinalis, is a member of the Lily family. It is very labour intensive to grow, and perhaps is the reason why it comes with a high price tag. Garden asparagus was first cultivated in Greece about 2500 years ago and was believed to be…

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Fasting may boost stem cell regeneration: study

Such an intervention could help cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy A 24-hour fast may reverse the age-related loss of stem cell function that regenerates new intestinal cells, according to a study. Researchers, including those from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the US, found that fasting dramatically improves stem cells’ ability to regenerate, in both aged and young mice. In fasting mice, cells begin breaking down fatty acids instead of glucose, a change that stimulates the stem cells to become more regenerative. In the study published in the journal Cell Stem Cell,…

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The Most Talked About Diet of 2017

Diet that goes a long way in making and keeping you leaner. Several food trends make headlines and a huge fanbase, that’s what happened with Ketogenic Diet in 2017. This LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) diet was omnipresent from health portals and magazines, to dietician’s recommendation tables. However, Ketogenic diet is not something new. It has been used for patients with epilepsy since ages. For an average person, adopting Ketogenic diet can be challenging, however, with Keto you are arming yourself with a double-edged sword, first you are limiting carbohydrates…

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Fasting in Naturopathy: For better Health and Well-being

Fasting is different from starvation. It is a highly constructive and beneficial technique that results in the elimination of toxic waste from the body, thereby restoring good health. It is the best form of medication in Naturopathy and works every time without fail. Fasting therapy, as advocated by Naturopathy, is an all-natural road to excellent health and overall wellness. Fasting gives digestive organs ample time to restore health and regain the efficiency that has been disturbed with modern-day eating habits. Sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy food choices can be blamed for landing us in…

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If you’re trying to lose weight, pay attention to the speed at which you eat food

Are you wondering why your waistline is expanding? Don’t watch what you eat; watch how you eat. New research links faster eating speed with more weight gain, higher blood glucose and larger waistline. If you’re always the last person on a table to finish their food, take heart. People who eat slowly are less likely to become obese or develop metabolic syndrome, a cluster of heart disease, diabetes and stroke risk factors, according to preliminary research presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2017, a premier global exchange of the latest…

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4 Ways French Fries and Other Fast Foods Can Destroy Your Health

Regular consumption of fried potatoes (commonly enjoyed as French fries) has been linked to an increased risk of death. Junk foods are called ‘junk’ for a reason. They are basically food items that contain no nutrition and become a source of empty calories that may lead to unnecessary weight gain which increases the risk of other lifestyle diseases like hypertension, high cholesterol, heart problems and diabetes. It may be comforting to indulge in cheesy, fatty or sugary foods, once in a while, but given the surge of fast food chains…

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Jeera Water – 8 Reasons Why You Must Drink It!

By Dr. Rishi Mishra   Jeera or cumin can do more than add flavour to your food. For your health to benefit from jeera, boil a spoon of raw jeera with a cup of water and strain it. This tea can help resolve a number of health issues, skin and hair problems. This should ideally be taken on an empty stomach in the morning. Some of the health benefits of jeera water are:   ▶ It aids digestion: A glass of jeera water in the morning can stimulate the production…

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Skipping Breakfast

Read only when you have some time for a health update. It’s wake up ring. I am so glad that an endocrinologist has taken the effort to write this Post! ?RIIINNNGGGG!!!!!!!!!! The alarm rings and the brain starts to worry: “Its time to get up and we have consumed the whole fuel”‘…………… It calls upon the first neuron it has handy to find out how much glucose is available in the blood. The response arrives on behalf of the blood: There is sugar available only enough for the next 15…

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