1.योग,भोग और रोग ये तीन अवस्थाएं है। लकवा – सोडियम की कमी के कारण होता है । हाई वी पी में – स्नान व सोने से पूर्व एक गिलास जल का सेवन करें तथा स्नान करते समय थोड़ा सा नमक पानी मे डालकर स्नान करे । लो बी पी – सेंधा नमक डालकर पानी पीयें । कूबड़ निकलना- फास्फोरस की कमी । कफ – फास्फोरस की कमी से कफ बिगड़ता है , फास्फोरस की पूर्ति हेतु आर्सेनिक की उपस्थिति जरुरी है । गुड व शहद खाएं । दमा, अस्थमा –…
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इन 50 घरेलु नुस्खों को जीवन में याद रखेगें तो कभी डॉक्टर के पास नहीं जाना पड़ेगा
साधारण छोटे-छोटे प्रयोग जिनको आप अवश्य अपनाए कुछ प्रयोग नीचे दिए गए है जो आपके घर में ही उपलब्ध है अजमाए और लाभ ले 1- अजवायन का साप्ताहिक प्रयोग :- सुबह खाली पेट सप्ताह में एक बार एक चाय का चम्मच अजवायन मुँह में रखें और पानी से निगल लें। चबाएँ नहीं। यह सर्दी, खाँसी, जुकाम, बदनदर्द, कमर-दर्द, पेटदर्द, कब्जियत और घुटनों के दर्द से दूर रखेगा। 10 साल से नीचे के बच्चों को आधा चम्मच 2 ग्राम और 10 से ऊपर सभी को एक चम्मच यानी 5 ग्राम लेना…
Read MoreMigraine Remedies
परिचय : जब मनुष्य के सिर के आधे भाग में दर्द हो और आधे भाग में दर्द न हो तो उसे आधासीसी या माईग्रेन कहते हैं। विभिन्न भाषाओं में नाम : हिन्दी आधा कपाल, आधासीसी अंग्रेज़ी हेमिक्रेनिया अरबी आधा कपालि नूरार विश बंगाली आधा कपाली गुजराती आधा शीशी कन्नड अरेतले नोवु मलयालम ओरचेनी कुटटु मराठी अरधशीशी उड़ीया अधा कपाली तमिल ओत्रयथथलइवली तेलगु अरतला नोप्पि कारण : मानसिक व शारीरिक थकावट, अधिक गुस्सा करना, चिन्ता करना, आंखों का अधिक थक जाना, अत्यधिक रूप से भावनाओं में बहकर भावुक होना, भोजन…
Read MoreRegular Cycling Keeps You Young and Your Immune System Strong: Study
Cycling regularly may help keep you rejuvenated, young and disease-free, claims a new study. The study published in the journal Aging Cell, revealed that those who cycle enough can delay the onset of diseases normally associated with middle-age or old age by strengthening your immunity system as compared to those who are healthy, but did not exercise regularly. For the study scientists examined 125 amateur cyclists aged 55 to 79. Thymus gland which makes immune cells called T-cells begin to shrink with time, typically after the age of 20. But…
Read MoreEating right for non-vegetarians
By: Kavita Devgan is a New Delhi-based nutritionist You need not ‘go off’ any type of food. The trick is to know your body and eat sensibly. Most non-vegetarian foods like meat, fish and eggs are good sources of protein, which our body needs for growth. A diet high on proteins (more than 30 per cent of total calorie intake a day), however, can cause a kidney overdrive, because the kidney has to work hard to flush out the extra protein. The body can store only small amounts of protein, so all excess is used for…
Read MoreHere’s How Maintaining Consistency in Weight Loss Can Help in the Long Run
According to the study published in the journal Obesity, those who lost weight in consistent bouts were more likely to achieve long-term weight loss than one who showed no consistency. Planning to shed some quick pounds? Make sure you choose a program that helps in losing a consistent number of pounds each week, it may prove more effective in the long run than a program where your weight keeps fluctuating, according to a study. According to the study published in the journal Obesity, those who experienced consistent weight loss in…
Read MoreInternational Women’s Day 2017: Top 6 Nutrients That Are Essential for Good Health
By- Tanu Ganguly International Women’s Day is celebrated on 8th March each year and this year too there are tons of events and activities planned around it. Men and women across the world will raise a toast to the continuing social, cultural and economic achievements of women. What started as a multitude of smaller events and marches in the early 1900s is today a global celebration of the modern woman. 8th March is also celebrated as the United Nations (UN) Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace. How are women’s bodies…
Read MoreGuava Leaves Can Extremely 100% Stop Your Hair Loss And Make It Grow Like Crazy!
Hair loss is a health condition that can affect your scalp, but also your entire body. Anyone can experience hair loss women and man, including children. There are many reasons that are causing this condition, such as: unhealthy diet, lack of minerals, some medications, stress, illness or genetics. According to the latest research almost 1/3 of the world’s population suffer from this problem. But, you’re in luck as we have some good news. We’re offering you a natural solution that can be extremely effective for hair loss – guava…
Read MoreRemedies for reducing Uric Acid Naturally
Home Remedies for Eye Stye
The eye stye is a type of infection of eyes. This infection attacks and occurs at the base of the eyelashes. It can be both internal and external forms. There are many types of symptoms of this infection which ranges from the formation of bumps to severe kind of burning in eyes. Although there are many medical treatments for this infection but it is always better to go for the natural cures. This article will give you brief details on the various types of natural cures available for eye stye.…
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