Bed Sores Giving You A Hard Time? Try These Home Remedies For Quick Relief

Because of constant pressure, blood supply reduces in the skin and tissues underneath, thus resulting in bed sores. Bed sores are common among people who are wheelchair bound or bed ridden because of medical reasons. Pressure sores or bed sores are injuries developed when the skin faces pressure for a long time. Bed sores are common among people who are wheelchair bound or bed ridden because of medical reasons. Because of constant pressure, blood supply reduces in the skin and tissues underneath. This results in sores in the area. Pressure…

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From Diabetes To Thyroid, This Yoga Asana Has Numerous Health Benefits That You Can Bank On: Try It Today To Get Ready For The Weekend!

Thyroid, diabetes, and back pain are just a few of the many benefits of sarvangasana. Try this yoga pose today to get ready for the weekend! The weekend is right around the corner and we can’t help but give you some tips for both motivation and relaxation. After all, not every weekend is supposed to be spent partying and having a great time. Some of them also need to be spent in focusing on yourself, in rejuvenating and refreshing yourself from week after week of packed schedule. Helping us with…

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Neem Therapy: Neem to Treat Skin Diseases

Neem is useful for many diseases in man. But its major fields are leprosy, skin diseases and diseases of blood. There is nothing like neem in treating skin diseases particularly. Take the flowers, the fruits and the leaves, all in an equal quantity, grind them together on a clean stone into a very fine paste, mix this paste in water, stir well and drink it as asherbat. Start with just 2 mashas, increase the dosage upto 6 mashas and continue the treatment for 40 days. This medication has been found…

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