कान (Ear Pain) दर्द सामान्य स्तर का है तो आप इन घरेलू उपायों से भी उसे ठीक कर सकते हैं. 1. ऑलिव ऑयल (Olive oil) के इस्तेमाल से अगर आपको कान दर्द है और सहन कर पाना मुश्किल है तो ऑलिव ऑयल का इस्तेमाल आपको तुरंत राहत देगा. ऑलिव आयल को हल्का गर्म कर लें. इसकी दो से तीन बूंद कान में डालें या फिर कॉटन बड की मदद से तेल को कान में लगा लें. 2. लहसुन (Garlic) के इस्तेमाल से अगर कान दर्द संक्रमण की वजह से है…
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Remedies to Kill Cancer Cells
Hot coconut water can save you a lifetime Cut 2 to 3 thin coconut flakes in a cup, add hot water, it will become “alkaline water”, drink every day, it is good for anyone. Hot Coconut water releases an anti-cancer substance, which is the latest advance in the effective treatment of cancer in the medical field. Hot coconut juice has an effect on cysts and tumors. Proven to remedy all types of cancer. This type of treatment with coconut extract only destroys malignant cells, it does not affect healthy cells.…
Read MoreWhy should we celebrate National Energy Conservation Day?
Energy Conservation Day is not a gimmick. And it also shouldn’t be looked upon as a one time – annual event. National Energy Conservation Day is organized on 14th December each year by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), under the Ministry of Power. The aim is to demonstrate India’s achievements in energy efficiency and conservation, while working towards its ambition of holistic development as part of the nation’s overall effort towards climate change mitigation. Energy is the foundation of economic development of any country. India too, in its march towards the forefront, is a…
Read MoreDental Care: How to Treat Dental Pain?
Pain producing causes may be as simple as toothache nitiated by a deep carious tooth or a loose tooth. On the other hand pain may be complicated requiring further investigations. Pain is defined as an unpleasant stimulus which is perceived by the conscious mind. The perception of pain begins upon a process of electro-chemical conductivity from the painful area to the brain. Reaction to pain involves a complex mechanism which is based on age, sex, fatigue, emotional status and the past experiences. Toothache A toothache may be mild, moderate or…
Read Moreकब्ज और एसिडिटी का रामबाण इलाज है अजवाइन, जानें इसके फायदे
एसिडिटी (Acidity) की समस्या बहुत आम है और यह समस्या सभी को होती ही है। कुछ लोग तो इससे बहुत परेशान भी रहते हैं। इसका कारण है अनियमित भोजन, तेल और मसालेदार खाने का अधिक सेवन। जो लोग नशे में लत होते हैं उनको भी यह समस्या होती है। अगर गैस या एसिडिटी है तो कभी भी व्यक्ति ब्लडप्रेशर (Blood Pressure) या शुगर (Sugar) की बीमारी से ग्रस्त हो सकता है। ऐसे में व्यक्ति को उपचार के लिए कुदरती उपाय आजमाने चाहिए। अजवाइन सबके घर में आसानी से उपलब्ध होती…
Read MoreHome Remedies for Dizziness
Dizziness is something that most of us experience at some point in our lives. It is a feeling of light-headedness, unsteadiness or loss of balance and can cause fainting. Dizziness with a feeling of spinning is referred to as vertigo, which is different from the nonspecific light-headedness. Dizziness is not a disease. It is a symptom of other conditions like low blood pressure, heart muscle disease, neurological disorders, anemia, allergies, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), tinnitus, ear infections, heat stroke, vision-related disorders, migraines, anxiety disorders, and head injuries. It can also be due…
Read More5 Simple Ways to Reverse Memory Loss and Slow Brain Ageing
With age, loss of memory is almost inevitable. The brain, which is responsible for cognitive skills like memory, starts ageing as we grow older. It therefore becomes imperative that we keep it active. Just like we partake in physical activities to keep ourselves fit, mental agility is also extremely important to ward off age-related mental ailments as well as memory loss. And there are many steps that one can take to slow down brain ageing. A popular recommendation is to engage in puzzles, crosswords and other brain games, while there…
* If you are worried about your skin problems or you are tired of using different types of cosmetics for glowing skin then start drinking a glass of hot water daily. Your skin will start glowing and will be problem free. * Drinking a glass of warm water can give relief to stomach pain during periods. Warm water actually relaxes the muscles which are stretched due to the pain during periods. * Drinking hot water removes the poisonous toxins from body. Drinking hot water early morning on empty stomach and…
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