Diabetes: We enlist some important diet tips that you should keep in mind in order to keep your blood sugar levels in check We all know, diabetes is an incurable disease; however, one can manage it well through eating healthy diet, engaging in exercises and leading a physically active lifestyle. Ideally, in order to manage blood sugar levels, you must avoid high carb foods and include more protein- and fibre- rich foods that will help control diabetes and keep your blood glucose levels in check. Moreover, if you are a diabetic,…
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Sugar Overload May Cause Weight Gain and Other Problems: 5 Ways To Cut Down On Sugar
Excessive consumption of sugar, can put your health at major risk. The zero nutrient value of sugar does not help your body and instead leads to weight gain and other ailments in the body Let’s admit it, one cupcake or an ice cream a day can put a bevy of our daily woes at bay. And, it is totally okay to indulge yourself with these sugary treats once in a while. It is only when you overdo it, that the problem arise.An overload of sugar, sits in the system as…
Read Moreकब्ज और एसिडिटी का रामबाण इलाज है अजवाइन, जानें इसके फायदे
एसिडिटी (Acidity) की समस्या बहुत आम है और यह समस्या सभी को होती ही है। कुछ लोग तो इससे बहुत परेशान भी रहते हैं। इसका कारण है अनियमित भोजन, तेल और मसालेदार खाने का अधिक सेवन। जो लोग नशे में लत होते हैं उनको भी यह समस्या होती है। अगर गैस या एसिडिटी है तो कभी भी व्यक्ति ब्लडप्रेशर (Blood Pressure) या शुगर (Sugar) की बीमारी से ग्रस्त हो सकता है। ऐसे में व्यक्ति को उपचार के लिए कुदरती उपाय आजमाने चाहिए। अजवाइन सबके घर में आसानी से उपलब्ध होती…
Read MoreBalanced Diet
Variety of foods essential for a balanced diet Nutritionally adequate diet should be consumed through a wise choice from a variety of foods. Nutrition is a basic prerequisite to sustain life. Variety in food is not only the spice of life but also the essence of nutrition and health. A diet consisting of several food groups provides all the required nutrients in proper amounts. Cereals, millets and pulses are major sources of most nutrients. Milk which provides good quality proteins and calcium must be an essential item of the diet,…
Read More10 Amazing Benefits of Giloy: The Ayurvedic Root of Immortality
Here are 10 incredible Giloy benefits, from treating chronic fever to boosting digestion and immunity. “Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia) is an Ayurvedic herb that has been used and advocated in Indian medicine for ages”, says Delhi-based Nutritionist Anshul Jaibharat. In Sanskrit, Giloy is known as ‘Amrita’, which literally translates to ‘the root of immortality’, because of its abundant medicinal properties. “The stem of Giloy is of maximum utility, but the root can also be used. Its benefits and uses have even been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)”, adds…
Read MoreEat smart this Diwali!
By: Shimpli Patil The festive season has begun and the excitement sees no bounds. After having loads of fun during Navratri it’s now the festival of lights- Diwali. With Diwali comes outings, guests visit, dinner parties, etc. all of which are inevitable. More often than not we end up indulging in sweets and other sinful foods and then feel guilty for all the wrong eating, which then makes us look for some easy and quick ways to shed off those extra kilos that we gained during the festive season. But,…
Read More15 home remedies for common cold and cough
Trusting on home remedies to cure common cold and cough is something that many Indian households still believe. Besides treating common cold and cough effectively, these home remedies are also free from any side-effects. Here we have mentioned some of these home remedies that will help you treat common cold and cough. Ginger tea Ginger tea not only tastes good but also helps in treating common cold and cough. The tea helps in drying running and dripping nose, thus expelling phlegm from the respiratory tract. Among various health benefits of…
Read MoreSugar – Another Poison
चीनी : एक ज़हर ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♦ बन्द कर दें, चीनी का प्रयोग । क्योंकि यह चीनी आपके शरीर को बिमारियों का घर बना रही है, 766 जहर से । जिसका नाम है सल्फर । सल्फर को सरल भाषा में समझ लीजिये – सल्फर का मतलब होता है गंधक । गंधक यानि दीवाली पर चलने वाले पटाखों का मसाला । बच्चे जो दीवाली पे पटाखे चलाते हैं, फुलझड़ी चलाते हैं, बम चलाते हैं, अनार चलाते हैं, ये सभी गंधक से ही बनते हैं और इसी गंधक से चीनी बनती है ।…
? MISSION : ??INDIA – OBESITY & DIABETES free? PRINCIPLE : Dr.Dixit /Jichkar Sir’s magical formula controls excessive insulin secretion and causes weight/fat loss from places where it is more. By increasing insulin sensitivity of the body, it postpones or prevents Diabetes.? OUTCOME : Weightloss, inches loss (1st from the tummy) , Diabetes prevention & many others. 1) NOTE : This diet plan is not for below 18 years? of age & Diabetics?(These people can speak to Dr.Dixit Sir once and if he permits then only they should…
Read MoreSugar is Poison
1. First factory to manufacture sugar was established by the British in 1866. 2. Indians used to eat Jaggery before this and seldom used to fall sick. 3. To make sugar sulphur is used, which is used in making fire crackers. Sulphur is an element that, once it enters the body it cannot be excreted from our body. 4. Sugar increases Cholesterol which is the main reason for heart attack. Sugar increases the weight of the body and thus we become fat. 5. Sugar increases…
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