International Men’s Day: Here are the top 5 diet, health and fitness tips for men

On International Men’s Day, we list some of the basic, yet, important health tips that men and boys can follow to stay fit and healthy. Every year, November 19 is celebrated as International Men’s Day, a day to acknowledge men who are making a positive difference and to raise awareness of issues that affect men and boys on a global scale. Apparently, many are not aware of this day, unlike the International Women’s Day, which is well-known and celebrated in various countries around the world. Apart from raising awareness of…

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How to Exercise

Bending upto a certain point is easy, beyond this point you feel tension in your muscles and if you still go further you will feel pain. Do you exercises upto the point of tension. If you keep on doing exercises the mobility of the joints goes on increasing. The point of pain becomes the point of tension in a few days and gradually you can still go beyond this point without pain. This principle has been used in exercising the patients with stiff joints passively. Movement and pain are indirectly…

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Selected Exercises that Can Be Done in Twenty Minutes

Selected exercises which could be done in twenty minutes with small rest periods are listed: Toe Touching Stand erect, feet together arm at side. Take a deep breathe. Raise head, breathe in deeply breathe out slowly as you go down. Touch the floor out side left foot, come up little and down again to touch floor between feet, and touch between feet once more. Come up and touch out side right foot. If you can not touch just move in that direction. Hold your breathe when you come up to…

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World Hypertension day 2018: Know your numbers to stay fit

World Hypertension day, observed on the 17th of May every year, calls out for increasing awareness about this silent killer. World Hypertension day, observed on the 17th of May every year, calls out for increasing awareness about this silent killer and help people realise that hypertension or high blood pressure is a preventable and controllable condition. Hypertension remains a contributing risk factor for stroke, heart attacks and other cardiovascular complications leading to deaths across the globe. The theme for the World Hypertension Day 2018 is ‘Know Your Numbers.’ According to…

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Allergy Cure: Role of Changes in Diet and Lifestyle in the Treatment

Diet and our daily activities and lifestyle have an important bearing on the symptoms and control of allergy. The conservative management of allergy includes changes in the diet and lifestyle of the individual. Changes in the Diet A low-allergen diet, also known as an elimination diets is often recommended to people with suspected allergy, especially food allergy. It is also used as a diagnostic tool to find out if avoiding foods that commonly trigger allergies will provide relief from symptoms. In this diet, certain foods and food additives should be…

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How To Remove The Uric Acid Crystallization And Prevent Joint Pain And Gout

The metabolic disorder which leads to joint inflammation and causes stiffness and swelling is known as gout. In the most severe cases it may cause awful pain which develops just in a few hours. This is due to the overload of uric acid. The main reason for this is the excessive creation and inefficient elimination of waste. The acid is created during the process of disintegration of purines – chemicals that naturally occur in the human body and can be found in various kinds of foods. When the kidneys cannot…

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Damaged Heart Tissues Could Be Reshaped by Jogging and Walking

Heart is one of the most important organs in the entire human body. It is actually a pump, composed of muscles which circulate blood throughout the body, beating approximately 72 times per minute. About the size of its owner’s clenched fist, the heart works continuously. It keeps all the body parts supplied with oxygen and nutrients, while clearing away harmful waste matter. The organ sits in the middle of the chest, behind the breastbone and between the lungs, in a moistened chamber that is protected all round by the rib…

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हृदय की देखभाल

हार्ट स्पेशलिस्ट देवी शेट्टी से साक्षात्कार के अंश (चिकित्सा संसार ट्रस्ट द्वारा जनहित में जारी) एक चर्चा (डाॅ. देवी शेट्टी से जो कि नारायणा हृदयालया बैंगलोर में  हार्ट स्पेशलिस्ट हैं,) से विप्रो द्वारा की गई, जिसके प्रमुख अंश नीचे दिये जा है (हिंदी रूपांतरण)   प्रश्न 1- एक आम आदमी के लिये अपने हृदय की सुरक्षा के नियम क्या है? उत्तर – इन बातों पर ध्यान देवे । भोजन – जिसमें कार्बोहाईड्रेट की मात्रा कम हो, प्रोटीन की मात्रा अधिक हो और उसमें तेल की मात्रा भी कम हो। व्यायाम…

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