Therapy to cure common cold for Kids

जब जापान में बच्चे को cold होती हे तो दवाई नहीं ये गरम पानी ( LUKE WARM WATER ) की therapy करते हे और बच्चा १ दिन में ठीक हो जाता हे .. और हमारे यहI अंगरेजी दवाई खिला के बचपन से बच्चों को खोखले कर दिए जाते हे .. See video: Source: Whatsapp Disclaimer: All information, data and material has been sourced from multiple authors and is for general information and educational purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. The views and…

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Here’s why excessive screen time is harmful for your kid

Smartphones and watching television is associated with heightened levels and diagnoses of anxiety or depression in children as young as age two. Parents, take note! A recent study has highly recommended reduced screen time for the well being of kids. According to the findings of the San Diego State University, too much time spent on gaming, smartphones and watching television is associated with heightened levels and diagnoses of anxiety or depression in children as young as age two. The study has been published in the journal Preventive Medicine Reports. Even…

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World Autism Awareness Day 2018: 6 things about Autism spectrum disorder that you didn’t know

Did you know premature infants are five times more likely to suffer from autism? By: Shaloo Tiwari  It is World Autism Awareness Day today and while this day is observed with an intention of spreading awareness of this health condition, there, unfortunately, is very little awareness in the real sense. The battle to fight this health condition is going at a much slower pace than expected. In India itself, more than a million cases of autism are recorded every year. Going by the statistics, 1 in every 68 children suffers from Autism. And while there…

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