
Yogasanas help exercise external as well as internal body parts. This helps with proper body functioning, thereby ensuring good physical health, as well as mental peace and calm.The various postures help correct our physiological and physical imbalances and help us tone our musculo-skeletal system. If practiced properly and regularly, yoga has an extremely rejuvenative and therapeutic effect on our body. If you are a beginner, you should always perform the yogasanas under the supervision of an expert trainer, who would advice you on which asanas are good for you keeping…

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Stand Tall, Stand Proud Believe it or not, posture matters. It works wonders for your body language, thus giving out positive signs about your confidence. However, it is not just confined to your appearance and how others perceive you. Your posture also plays a vital role in maintaining the curve of your spine as well as your overall health. So, if as a child you had ever thought as to what all the brouhaha about posture is, now you know the reason. A bad posture can hurt both your body…

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