Research suggests that you can keep your cholesterol levels in check by making simple but effective dietary changes, opting for an exercise regimen and keeping your weight in check. Here are some effective ways to lower your cholesterol levels without popping pills:   ? SAY NO TO TRANS FATS ? Food manufacturers use trans fats because they extend the shelf life of packaged baked goods. ? They raise LDL (bad cholesterol), lower HDL (good cholesterol), and increase the risk of developing heart diseases and stroke. ? Trans fats are found in…

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‘Almonds may boost cardiovascular health in diabetic Indians’

Including almonds in the diet may significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases in Indians with type 2 diabetes and improve their general health, a first-of-its-kind study claims. Almond consumption as part of a healthy diet may help improve glycemic and cardiovascular measures and lead to better health in type 2 diabetes patients, researchers said. “India is known as the diabetes capital of the world, with incidence of type 2 diabetes currently reaching epidemic proportions,” researchers wrote in the study published in the journal Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders. Once…

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Bypass the Bypass surgery

–  Dr Syed Zair Hussain Rizvi EVERY SEED OF POMEGRANATE (DELUM) WHICH GOES IN YOUR STOMACH IS A SEED OF LIFE FOR YOUR HEART Two things are full of benefits for the human being, Lukewarm water & Pomegranate. Pomegranate is a seasonal fruit so I tried an experiment with dried pomegranate seeds. I prepared a decoction boiling the fistful of dried seeds in half litre of water for 10 minutes, squeezed the seeds, strained the decoction and advised those patients suffering from painful angina to use a glass of lukewarm…

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Avoid Drinking Water with Food

हम पानी क्यों ना पीये खाना खाने के बाद.! क्या कारण है.? हमने दाल खाई, हमने सब्जी खाई, हमने रोटी खाई, हमने दही खाया, लस्सी पी, दूध, दही, छाझ, लस्सी, फल आदि.! ये सब कुछ भोजन के रूप मे हमने ग्रहण किया ये सब कुछ हमको उर्जा देता है और पेट उस उर्जा को आगे ट्रांसफर करता है.! पेट मे एक छोटा सा स्थान होता है जिसको हम हिंदी मे कहते है “अमाशय” उसी स्थान का संस्कृत नाम है “जठर” उसी स्थान को अंग्रेजी मे कहते है “epigastrium” ये एक…

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Choose fruit, seasonal veggies to keep away sniffles

Several doctors will assure you that winter is the best time of the year if you stick to seasonal fruits and vegetables. “Take your pick from apples, bananas, oranges, pears, red grapes, kiwis, potatoes, peas or carrots and them to your diet. These food groups are packed with vitamins, minerals, fibre and rich in antioxidants, which prevent a number of ailments,” said Dr Fatima Chattriwala, consulting dietician, Sterling Wockhardt Hospital, Vashi. She said it is important to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables as they are fresh, which means they retain…

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