Cancer: Types, Causes, Symptoms, & Treatments

Cancer is a disease characterized by the presence of continuously dividing cells. Initially localized at a point called a tumor, these cells later distribute throughout the body via the blood or lymphatic system, and eventually result in death. These cells appear as lumps, which, if not detected at its early stages, might lead to a tumor in other parts of the body via the blood and lymphatic system. Cancer is caused by a number of external or internal stimuli. Various kinds of cancer show their symptoms in different ways. Certain home remedies exist…

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Named after a German physician, Alois Alzheimer, Alzheimer’s disease causes dysfunction in the working of the brain. It is a fatal disorder, which gets worse with time. Alzheimer destroys the brain cells of a person and causes difficulty in recalling things. It affects the thinking and behavior of a person and impinges on his/her daily routine and social life completely. The risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease increases with age. A degenerative disease, Alzheimer has no definite cure till date. In the following lines, we have listed the various causes and…

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