World Sleep Day 2019: Here’s How Adequate Sleep Can Help You Lose Weight & some tips to ensure you have a sound sleep

World Sleep Day 2019: The aim of World Sleep Day is to bring attention to the many burdens of sleep problems, as well as the importance of a healthy sleep. Sleep is just as important as diet and exercise. For a body to function properly, you need at least 6-8 hours sleep Every year World Sleep Day is celebrated on the 15th of March. The theme of World Sleep day 2019 is ‘Healthy Sleep, Healthy Aging”. World Sleep Day is an annual, global call to spread awareness and explain the importance of healthy sleep. The…

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Sugar Overload May Cause Weight Gain and Other Problems: 5 Ways To Cut Down On Sugar

Excessive consumption of sugar, can put your health at major risk. The zero nutrient value of sugar does not help your body and instead leads to weight gain and other ailments in the body Let’s admit it, one cupcake or an ice cream a day can put a bevy of our daily woes at bay. And, it is totally okay to indulge yourself with these sugary treats once in a while. It is only when you overdo it, that the problem arise.An overload of sugar, sits in the system as…

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Sleep Well, Heal Well Staying up late at night, fiddling with your phone, while scrolling through pages of your newsfeed? Does that sound like your daily night-time ritual? Are you a night owl who loves partying up till the wee hours of the night? You aren’t just robbing your body of rest. In fact, you’re hindering its ability to heal, repair and rejuvenate? Yes, sleep means much more to your body than just rest. Sleep isn’t like Parking your Car in the Garage for the Night For years, scientists and…

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Diet hacks: Cheat to lose weight

By: KYATI RUPANI A cheat meal is also a very good reward or incentive that makes sure the other meals are healthy and as per the prescribed diet. A recent study has revealed that cheat days during diets may help you lose more weight. Here are the reasons why this is so. There is no dearth of diets that promise instant results. But they come with a lot of restrictions and are generally short-lived. It is practically impossible to be on a diet for a long time because it results in…

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How sleeping less could severely damage your brain

New study finds people not sleeping the required amount could suffer terrible health effects and may not even know it Are you getting less that six hours a sleep a night? Then you need to be aware of how this habit can cause alcohol abuse like damaging effects, according to a new study. Sleep deprivation is known to cause depression, heart attacks, strokes and obesity. Now, researchers from Quebec-based digital health company Medisys have found it can severely damage the brain, the Daily Mail reported. Being awake for 18 hours straight can be…

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