7 Natural Beauty Rules to Make You Look and Feel Younger

hy oh why? Is flawless skin, that’s radiant and glowing too much to ask for? Have you tried countless expensive makeup and cosmetic treatments available on the market, only to end up feeling frustrated? Wake up, every morning to see a tired and worn-out version of yourself in the mirror? Worry not! Here, we make beauty care easy for you, the all-natural way! With our best tips and tricks, you’ll not only look but also feel younger. Yep, that’s the beauty of a natural skin and face care regime. It…

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तिल का तेल (Sesame Oil) … पृथ्वी का अमृत

अपने पुरखे कितने वैज्ञानिक थे खान पान और हम कितने अवैज्ञानिक कि जो tv पर ऐड देख कर अंधे हो जाते है ।   यदि इस पृथ्वी पर उपलब्ध सर्वोत्तम खाद्य पदार्थों की बात की जाए तो तिल के तेल का नाम अवश्य आएगा और यही सर्वोत्तम पदार्थ बाजार में उपलब्ध नहीं है. और ना ही आने वाली पीढ़ियों को इसके गुण पता हैं. क्योंकि नई पीढ़ी तो टी वी के इश्तिहार देख कर ही सारा सामान ख़रीदती है. और तिल के तेल का प्रचार कंपनियाँ इसलिए नहीं करती क्योंकि…

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Causes, Remedies & Treatment for Frozen Shoulder

A frozen shoulder is essentially considerable stiffness as well as pain in the shoulder area. It is also known as adhesive capulitris. When inflammation occurs in the connective tissues that surround the gienohumeral joint, stiffness and extreme pain in the shoulder occurs. A frozen shoulder condition can be divided into three stages, namely, a freezing stage, a frozen stage, and a thawing stage. As the name suggests, stage one involves the beginning of pain and stiffness; in the second stage, which is the frozen stage, shoulder movement is compromised. In…

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मक्खन के फायदे

1 कैंसर (Cancer) –जी हां, मक्खन (Butter) कोई मामूली चीज नहीं है। यह कैंसर जैसे रोग से बचाव करने में आपकी मदद करता है। दरअसल मक्खन में मौजूद फैटी एसिड कौंजुलेटेड लिनोलेक प्रमुख रूप से कैंसर से बचाव में मदद करता है। 2 ऑस्टियोपोरोसिस (Osteoporosis)-विटामिन्स, मिनिरल्स और कैल्शियम से भरपूर मक्खन आपकी हड्डियों को मजबूत बनाकर ऑस्टियोपोरोसिस जैसी समस्याओं से निजात दिलाने में मदद करता है। दांतों के लिए भी यह बेहद फायदेमंद होता है। 3 बुखार (Fever) -गाय के दूध का मक्खन और खड़ी शर्करा का सेवन करने से पुराना…

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Naturopathy Day: डायबीटीज से हैं पीड़ित या हाई बीपी की है परेशानी, नेचुरोपैथी से पाएं इलाज

नेचुरोपैथी की थेरपी शुरू करने से पहले इसके एक्सपर्ट से राय जरूर लेनी चाहिए। थेरपी के लिए सामान की कीमतों में फर्क हो सकता है। वहीं इलाज के तरीके और असर में भी कुछ अंतर संभव है। भारत सरकार के आयुष मंत्रालय ने 18 नवंबर 2018 को पहले नेचुरोपैथी डे के रूप में मनाने का फैसला किया है। दरअसल, राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गांधी का नेचुरोपैथी से इलाज में बहुत यकीन था। इसलिए 18 नवंबर 1945 को महात्मा गांधी ने ‘ऑल इंडिया नेचर क्योर फाउंडेशन ट्रस्ट’ की स्थापना की थी। कुदरत के…

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Blog by Dr Partap Chauhan Many people complain of feeling fatigued and stressed. When they come home in the evening they feel very tired and often they feel agitated and angry. Ayurveda describes a few things that you should do when you go home. The first thing that you should do when you come out of the office is to switch off the office in your mind. As soon as you sit in the car or in the metro or on your motorcycle, stop thinking what you did in the office or…

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Formation of Cellulite Explained

By Theodoros Manfredi Weight gain is an upsetting thing to experience, and especially when you start to notice signs and indicators that it is running away from you and that you are crossing particular lines. Cellulite for instance is something that many of us associate with an unacceptable level of weight gain, and once it starts showing up we know that it’s time for us to start dieting. However it’s important to note that contrary to what many believe, cellulite and fat are not one and the same, and the two…

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Massage your way to a healthier you There is no denying the fact that a massage can make you feel relaxed and rejuvenated. It relieves the stress and relaxes all the muscles, making you feel light and happy. No wonder then that you are always looking forward to a relaxing day at the spa. But did you know that there are special massages that can even help to lose weight? Yes, you heard it right. According to studies, massage improves the muscle building capability of your body and thereby helps…

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Busted! 6 Myths about Naturopathy!

Naturopathic medicine is a natural form of primary healthcare that takes a holistic approach to treating any kind of mental or physical health condition. However, a lot of people still rely on Allopathic medicine and it is largely because they are unaware of the benefits of naturopathy and how it can dramatically boost health and well-being. There are also some myths doing the rounds regarding naturopathy that makes people refer to naturopaths when Western medicine has failed them. So, take a look below to better know what naturopathy is all about… MYTH #1:…

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Have A Discolored Neck? Try These Magical Home Remedies To Get Rid Of It

Quit hiding the dark skin patch on your neck with the help of these home remedies. Let’s face it, discolored necks are downright embarrassing! It’s like a question mark on your ability to have good person hygiene standards. And in some cases it is not due to poor hygiene. It may also be due to the UV rays of the sun. That discolored neck becomes the reason why you have to wear turtle necks and high-collar shirts to hide the patch of dark patch. Well relax, you need not rush…

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