Garlic for treating High Blood Pressure

रामबाण लहसुन लहसुन को वंडर मेडिसीन कहा गया है जो हर तरह की बिमारियों में रामबाण का काम करता है। सेहत के लिए तो रामबाण है ही हार्ट के लिए तो सबसे ज्यादा लाभकारी है। लहसुन में कई तरह के विटामिन, मिनरल्स-कैल्शियम, फास्फोरस, आयरन, थियामिन, राइबोफ्लाविन, नियासिन और विटामिन सी का खजाना है। इसके अलावा इसमें सल्फर, आयोडीन और क्लोरीन की मात्रा भी पाई जाती है। लहसुन के एक या दो कली अगर आप रोज सुबह खाली पेट खा रहे हैं तो यह न सिर्फ आपके कोलेस्ट्रोल को कम करेगा…

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Dietary self-monitoring: The secret to successful weight loss- lose belly fat in less than 15 minutes per day

A new study suggests that this 15-minute weight loss strategy is the most effective way to slim down your waistline. Here’s how to stay motivated to lose weight. You have been told that keeping track of what you eat and drink is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. But many people often neglect to do this despite its effectiveness. That said, we can’t deny that fact that sticking to a diet day in and day out can eventually wear your nerves out, which may make you give…

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When to and When Not to Exercise

Age and Exercise Many people believe that exercise should be done only in childhood. The life process benefits all ages, though the type of exercise may differ. For children, games are the best, because they are interesting and every child likes to play. Children who get involved in studies and neglect games, should be encouraged to play games. If it is not possible then they should be coaxed to doing exercises. If the child plays a game where only legs are exercised then he should be taught exercises for upper…

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Negative Effects of Over Eating

By Jason Ladock Overeating is a disorder which not only affects physical health but causes a lot of stress at the mental and emotional level also. Some people tend to eat just because they feel bored or they have nothing to do! Others get into such undesirable habits to improve their physical appearance. Emotional mood swings like anger, sadness, distress, disappointment or betrayal makes people eat a lot more than they realize. In certain cases, medications for other treatments cause hunger due to which people start eating a lot. Overeating causes…

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GO hip hip hurray!  There is no denying the fact that hydrotherapy can work wonders when it comes to curing various ailments. Hip bath is a very useful and effective form of hydrotherapy and is also known as sitz bath. As obvious from the name, in this technique, only hips and lower abdominal regions are bathed. You are required to sit in a special tub (which is why it is also known as sitz bath). About four to six gallons of water is filled into this tub such that it…

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One-third of the Population of the World is suffering from Lifestyle Diseases, are You?

The more we as a human race are evolving, the bigger list of problems seems to come our way. The adage, “science is a slave or the master?” is being better answered for the worst and turning our heads away from the reality that is looking right at us wide-eyed; will only bring doom to the humankind and sooner. Cell phones, laptops, cigarettes, and alcohol are those lifestyle blunders humans commit on a regular basis, thereby cutting the very branch they are cosily sitting on. Falling from which won’t just…

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Naturopathy Tips for Controlling Asthma and Improving the Quality of Life

Asthma is an allergic condition and one of the most troublesome of respiratory diseases. Patients suffering from this condition are often found gasping for breath. Unfortunately, Western medicine has not been able to find a cure to this debilitating disease. The vaccines and drugs that are available only have a limited value. However, what modern science could not accomplish, alternative therapies, such as naturopathy, have been able to offer natural cure treatments for this crippling disease. With naturopathy, you can control, cure and even prevent asthma, as well as, bronchitis.…

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People who skip breakfast more likely to develop hardening of arteries: study

A greater percentage of energy consumed earlier in the day may favour cardiovascular health.  In addition to having the greatest risk of atherosclerosis, people who skipped breakfast also had the greatest waist circumference (Photo: AFP) People who skip breakfast may be more likely to develop atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, than individuals who start each day with a hearty meal, a new study suggests. Even after researchers accounted for diet and other risk factors for heart disease, people who routinely skipped breakfast were significantly more likely to develop atherosclerosis…

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Do you know?

*1. Any food you consume after 8 P.M. everyday is equally a poison to your body? *2. If you can follow the water therapy for 3 months religiously, your skin, your body and your organs begins to function well? *3. Do you know Breakfast is the most important meal of the day; If you must skip any meal, it shouldn’t be breakfast? *4. Do you know too much red meat is very dangerous to your health? *5. Do you know people who smile always live longer, look younger and are…

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Urine test reveals what you really eat

  By James Gallagher   A urine test that can reveal how healthy your meals are has been developed by UK scientists. They think it could be used to improve nutritional advice or in weight loss because people are notoriously bad at recording their own eating habits. The test, detailed in the Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, detects chemicals made as food is processed by the body. The research team believe it could be widely available within two years. The urine samples are analysed to determine the structure of the chemicals…

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