मासिक धर्म स्त्री में होने वाली एक स्वाभाविक प्रक्रिया है| यदि मासिक धर्म में अनियमितता होती है तो स्त्री के शरीर में अन्य विकार उत्पन्न हो जाते हैं| इसका कारण शरीर के भीतर किसी रोग का होना भी हो सकता है| इसके सुचारु रूप से न होने पर स्त्री जीवन भर मातृत्व सुख से वंचित रह जाती है| नुस्खे ~~~ ? 3 ग्राम कालीमिर्च का चूर्ण शहद के साथ सेवन करने से माहवारी ठीक हो जाती है| ? दूब का रस एक चम्मच की मात्रा में प्रतिदिन सुबह के समय…
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गाजर मिक्स वेज जूस के फायदे
गाजर मिक्स वेज जूस के फायदों से अवगत करवाया जा रहा है। ?हमारी प्रकृति में गाजर एक अत्यंत ही बेहतरीन ऊर्जावान,पोषक तत्वों से युक्त वनस्पति है जो कई गुणों की खान है। गाजर में फाइबर,पोटेशियम,विटामिन B1,B2,B6,विटामिन A, विटामिन C, विटामिन E,विटामिन K ,मैंगनीज,नियासिन,पेन्थोंथेनिक एसिड,फास्फोरस,फोलेट,बायोटिन,मोलिब्डेनम और कॉपर से युक्त होती है। सर्दियों में प्रतिदिन गाजर का मिक्स जूस शरीर और सेहत के लिए बहुत ही फायदेमंद है। ? सारी जानकारी गाजर जूस पर किये गए रिसर्च को हिंदी में अनुवाद करके इक्कठी की गई है। ?नोट– गाजर जूस के साथ आंवला,चकुंदर,टमाटर,पुदीना…
Read MoreManifesting Good Health
by Arogyadham Maa Yoga Ashram What is a good health? The person who is able to dance like a child, who is able to jump like a child, who has no burden in his mind, a person who stands instantly as a child and sits instantly like a frog. How active is he? He is definitely a healthy person from which the energy is bursting every day. When we come to the point of health, everyone is definitely concerned with the healing of body organs, mental and physical affairs. “Natural…
Read MoreThe Effects of Soy on the Menstrual Cycle
BY LILLIAN DOWNEY Overview Soy products contain estrogen-like compounds that your body processes much like its own estrogen. Intake of soy has varying effects on the women who consume it. Some find it helps their menstrual, infertility and menopausal conditions, while others find the opposite to be true. According to the American Cancer Society, soy’s effects on the body need more rigorous study and until those studies provide definitive answers, it’s best to be cautious about your soy intake. This is especially true of people with hormonally-sensitive menstrual cycle disorders, like…
Read MoreIs your period irregular? This lifestyle disease could be to blame
A new study shows that girls diagnosed with type 2 diabetes have a high frequency of menstrual irregularities, which can put them at risk of fatty liver disease, fertility problems and endometrial cancer. Here’s why. By: Soma Das Infrequent periods can be associated with heavy and painful periods.(Shutterstock) Menstrual irregularities can be caused by a host of different factors, be it pregnancy, hormonal imbalances, infections, disease, trauma or certain medications. Now, a new study shows that girls diagnosed with type 2 diabetes have a high frequency of menstrual irregularities. Previous studies…
GO hip hip hurray! There is no denying the fact that hydrotherapy can work wonders when it comes to curing various ailments. Hip bath is a very useful and effective form of hydrotherapy and is also known as sitz bath. As obvious from the name, in this technique, only hips and lower abdominal regions are bathed. You are required to sit in a special tub (which is why it is also known as sitz bath). About four to six gallons of water is filled into this tub such that it…
Read More7 symptoms that indicate your body lacks calcium & Must eat calcium rich vegetables
Calcium deficiency is slowly becoming a pandemic due to poor nutritional choices. Find out whether you too are suffering from it. By: Shraddha Rupavate Do you think drinking a glass of milk is enough to get your daily dose of calcium? But in reality, it is not. Although calcium plays a key role in the maintenance of strong and healthy bones, it also helps in blood clotting, early developmental growth and muscle contraction and relaxation. This mineral can be easily obtained from natural food sources like leafy vegetables, yogurt, nuts and…
Read MoreYour clothes can spike chances of urinary tract infection
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), in particular, increases in incidence during this time and women, more than men, are prone to it. What’s more trendy, figure hugging jeans and other tight clothing further increases chances of UTI. Rain and humidity make for a perfect breeding ground for bacterial growth, leading to infection. Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), in particular, increases in incidence during this time and women, more than men, are prone to it. What’s more trendy, figure hugging jeans and other tight clothing further increases chances of UTI. Doctors say that…
Mint has been used since ages for medicinal purposes owing to its anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Mint or pudina is packed with Phyto-Chemicals, Antioxidants, Vitamins & Minerals like Calcium, Phosphorous, Vitamin C, D, E and small amounts of Vitamin B Complex. Here Are Some Of The Benefits That Pudina Has To Offer: ✳ IMPROVES DIGESTION ☘ Mint leaves are loaded with antioxidants and phyto-nutrients which help in the synthesis of digestive enzymes. ☘ They have a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the stomach, reduce acidity and flatulence. ☘ Patients…
Read MoreHome Remedies for Fibroids (रसोली)
Fibroids (रसोली ), also called uterine leiomyomas, are extremely common non-cancerous muscular tumors of the uterus. About 80 percent of women develop this problem by the age of 50. The exact cause of uterine fibroids is still not known. Factors like genetics, abnormalities in the blood vessel or vascular system, hormones and other growth factors play an important role in the development of fibroids. The problem is more common in obese and African-American women. Women who have never given birth to a child or who had their first menstrual cycle…
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