नींद नहीं आती तो आजमाएँ ये घरेलू नुस्खे

नींद नहीं आना , अनिद्रा या  Sleeplessness के कई कारण हो सकते हैं। सुबह बिस्तर से उठने के बाद यदि फ्रेश व तरोताजा महसूस नहीं करते हो। दिन भर थकान , उनींदापन और चिड़चिड़ाहट रहती हो। रात को सोने के लिए लेटने पर नींद नहीं आती हो। थके हुए होने के बावजूद सो नहीं पाते हों । रात को नींद खुल जाए तो फिर दुबारा सोने में मुश्किल होती हो। न चाहते हुए भी सुबह बहुत जल्दी नींद खुल जाती हो और ये लगातार कुछ दिन , कुछ सप्ताह या…

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Naturopathy Tips for Controlling Asthma and Improving the Quality of Life

Asthma is an allergic condition and one of the most troublesome of respiratory diseases. Patients suffering from this condition are often found gasping for breath. Unfortunately, Western medicine has not been able to find a cure to this debilitating disease. The vaccines and drugs that are available only have a limited value. However, what modern science could not accomplish, alternative therapies, such as naturopathy, have been able to offer natural cure treatments for this crippling disease. With naturopathy, you can control, cure and even prevent asthma, as well as, bronchitis.…

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How to eat when preparing for exam

By: Annabel Dsouza While the three-big-meals-a day is common and convenient, exam time requires a slow but steady flow of energy to the body and hence, having frequent smaller meals is a good idea. “Even a slight, involuntary feeling of hunger can break the flow of study and impair concentration. Hence, avoid heavy meals during the day; opt for light fibre rich foods like fresh fruit or bhel every two hours. A little bit of dark chocolate can also be useful in feeling satiated. Avoid processed foods as they tend…

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