Eating to Live Longer

Eating well is one of the secrets to a long and healthy life. To be able to sustain yourself in the long run, without falling prey to life threatening diseases and degeneration of the bo dy and its functionality, one must invest well in nutrition. So how can you eat to live forever and sustain a healthy eating habit? Here are a few elements that you should add to your diet – pronto!   1 .Omega-3: Fish and nuts have the maximum omega three fatty acids, which are known as…

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7 Foods that Help relieve Hemorrhoids

Inflammation of the veins in the lower rectum and anus is known as hemorrhoids. People prone to constipation are susceptible to hemorrhoids or piles. The pressure exerted on the veins while straining the anus to pass hardened stool, leads to this condition. People suffering from hemorrhoids experience pain, irritation, itching and discomfort in the anal region. Painless bleeding may occur while passing bowel. Fortunately, hemorrhoids can be reversed with appropriate treatment. Foods that help to soften stools and ease bowel movement provide rapid relief from the symptoms of hemorrhoids. The…

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Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism occurs when the  thyroid gland is underactive. It affects the body’s metabolism rate, which is controlled primarily by the thyroid gland. Some of the common symptoms associated with hypothyroidism are fatigue, increased sensitivity to cold, constipation, dry skin, puffy face, hoarse voice, muscle cramping, sudden weight gain, depression and brittle fingernails and hair. Many natural remedies can help control this health problem. Also, do consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.   Here are the top 10 home remedies for hypothyroidism. 1. Coconut Oil Coconut oil contains medium-chain…

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5 Vitamins your body needs in Winter

With the weather undergoing a change every day, the temperature varies, sometimes pleasant and sometimes warm. Along with enjoying the cold climate, winter also brings along a few health conditions that need to be tackled. A regular intake of these five essential elements will help you have a healthy winter. 1. VITAMIN C The onset of winter, marks infections like cold, cough, fever and flu. Vitamin C is known to increase your immunity because it is anti-oxidant in nature. It also helps to build the skin with its collagen boosting…

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7 Home Remedies to Help Boost Brain Power

In this fast paced world everyone’s looking be smarter and quicker than the next person.But what makes you that much better? The way your brain works. And just like all other organ in your body, the brain also starts losing its functioning as you age. So, wondering what you can do to give your brain that much needed boost? Well here are a few natural ways that might help. When it comes to improving the way your brain functions, there are a number of alternative therapies that can help. For instance deep…

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Don’t throw away Potato Peels, they have more Benefits than the Vegetable itself

Like many others, do you also throw potato peels into the garbage bin? If yes, then you are actually disposing off a large number of healthy ingredients. Well-known for its disease-fighting abilities, the skin of potatoes is far more beneficial to health and beauty than the vegetable itself. A) For health A1) Helps in weight loss We all know that potatoes are rich in carbohydrates that play a key role in improving your weight. However, potato peels contain minimal amount of fat, cholesterol and sodium. This is the reason, why…

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Worlds Healthiest Food – Flaxseeds

If you speak to anyone trying to lose weight or looking to bulk up on essential vitamins and minerals, they’ll tell you that flaxseeds are the ultimate powerhouse of nutrition. They’re tiny nutty-flavoured seeds that not only taste good but have innumerable health benefits. They’re extremely versatile and can be sneaked into almost everything you eat. Linseeds or flaxseeds usually come in two different colours, brown and yellow, but the nutritional profile of both is absolutely identical. Nutrient Chart    Flaxseeds are a source of three key nutrients: 1. Omega 3…

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