शरीर के वजन बढ़ने से हैं परेशान तो अपनाएं ये घरेलू उपाय, कुछ ही दिनो में देखें असर

वजन कम करना एक समस्‍या की तरह है। जीरे का सेवन रोज करने से घटता है वजन। यह फैट के अवशोषण को बाधित करता है। जीरे के सेवन से पाचनतंत्र होता है दुरूस्त।   जीरा (Cumin) एक ऐसा मसाला है जो खाने में बेहतरीन स्वाद और खुशबू देता है। इसकी उपयोगिता केवल खाने तक ही सीमित नहीं है बल्कि इसके कई स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य लाभ भी हैं। कई रोगों में दवा के रूप में इसका इस्‍तेमाल किया जाता है। जीरे में मैंगनीज, लौह तत्व, मैग्नीशियम, कैल्शियम, जिंक और फॉस्फोरस भरपूर मात्रा में…

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How to Lose Weight Quickly Without Exercise?

By: Abha Toppo Obesity or fatness is one of the biggest health problems all around the world. People generally put on weight due to their unhealthy eating habits. They eat and drink more calories than they burn through daily movement and body functions. In this article we will tell you how to lose weight without exercise, medication and in a natural healthy way. A person can easily and quickly lose weight, the only thing he or she needs to do is maintain a healthy lifestyle through healthy eating and drinking. 7 ways…

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Gestational Diabetes: Causes, Signs, Symptoms & Prevention

Gestational Diabetes (GSD) typically affects women during pregnancy. Due to the many lifestyle issues we are facing, women are more prone to Gestational Diabetes now. Gestational Diabetes can often lead to type 2 diabetes in later stages of life for women. However, it is not necessary that one may become diabetic permanently. Once the baby is born, one may not have diabetes at all. Even though Gestational Diabetes is not a permanent state, it is important to remember to stick to a healthy diet and regime as your baby might…

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104 years old doctor gives advice and useful Healthtips

Dr.Shigeaki Hinohara was a Japanese physician. In 1941 he began his long working association with St. Luke’s International Hospital in central Tokyo and worked as a medical doctor throughout the wartime firebombing of the city. He Died on 18 July 2017. Following are his 14 tips for Healthy life 1. Take the stairs and always carry your own stuff This represents firm proponent of doctor Hinohara, he still takes two steps at a time climbing the stairs. 2. Do not believe everything your doctor recommends or says Explore, read and educated yourself.…

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People who skip breakfast more likely to develop hardening of arteries: study

A greater percentage of energy consumed earlier in the day may favour cardiovascular health.  In addition to having the greatest risk of atherosclerosis, people who skipped breakfast also had the greatest waist circumference (Photo: AFP) People who skip breakfast may be more likely to develop atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, than individuals who start each day with a hearty meal, a new study suggests. Even after researchers accounted for diet and other risk factors for heart disease, people who routinely skipped breakfast were significantly more likely to develop atherosclerosis…

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World Stroke Day: Effects and causes

World Stroke Day is observed on the October 29, each year. Stroke, the most commonly heard reason of mortality in India after road accidents, is a condition where the brain does not receive enough oxygen or nutrients, causing brain cells to die.  Researches show that India will report almost 1.6 million cases of stroke annually by 2020 out of which one third would be disabled. A stroke, also known as a cerebrovascular accident or CVA, occurs when part of the brain loses its blood supply and stops working. This causes the part of the…

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World Obesity Day: Maintain healthy weight to curb risk of cancer

 This World’s Obesity day, do not forget to put on your running shoes every day or engage in other physical activities, and introduce some elements of fun in your life without indulging in processed and fatty foods to stave off the diseases associated with overweight and obesity. The problem of weight gain is not to taken lightly, even though the unending and often too-good-to-be-true solutions coming from the ever burgeoning weight management industry seem to suggest so. Be warned — for a few extra kilos today can multiply tomorrow, putting…

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Dear parents, is your child overweight? Blame your neighbourhood fast food outlet

A study has found that kids who live closer to fast food chains were more likely to gain a significant amount of weight between the first and last year of primary school. Residing in a suburb full of restaurants peddling junk food may not be the best for your kid. The diet of young children is influenced by the local food environment. Children who live near fast food outlets are more likely to gain weight compared with those living farther away, new research suggests. This is worrying as a recent…

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Are You Sleeping More On Weekends? If So, Watch Out For Heart Disease

Each hour of social jet lag is associated with an 11-per cent increase in the likelihood of heart disease We have bad news for you – if you’re someone who waits for the weekend to catch up on all your sleep, you may want to change this habit. Going to bed late and waking up late on weekends may lead to social jet lag which is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, poorer health and worse mood. According to researchers from the University of Arizona, social jet lag…

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Ban Fast Food Advertisements and Hike Taxes on Them: FSSAI

Your love and hate relationship with junk food may now get a new twist. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has recommended additional tax on processed food and sugar-sweetened beverages, and also called for a blanket ban on advertising of junk foods and beverages on children’s channels and content for children across television, websites and social media. While we are all aware about the ill-effects of junk food for our health, yet it doesn’t stop us from getting those food products to our homes and indulging, even if…

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