योग की कुछ 100 जानकारी जिसका ज्ञान सबको होना चाहिए :-IMPORTANT 100 TIPS IT MAY HELP YOU ALL IN BIG WAY

1.योग,भोग और रोग ये तीन अवस्थाएं है। लकवा – सोडियम की कमी के कारण होता है । हाई वी पी में – स्नान व सोने से पूर्व एक गिलास जल का सेवन करें तथा स्नान करते समय थोड़ा सा नमक पानी मे डालकर स्नान करे । लो बी पी – सेंधा नमक डालकर पानी पीयें । कूबड़ निकलना- फास्फोरस की कमी । कफ – फास्फोरस की कमी से कफ बिगड़ता है , फास्फोरस की पूर्ति हेतु आर्सेनिक की उपस्थिति जरुरी है । गुड व शहद खाएं । दमा, अस्थमा –…

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Manifesting Good Health

by Arogyadham Maa Yoga Ashram What is a good health?  The person who is able to dance like a child, who is able to jump like a child, who has no burden in his mind, a person who stands instantly as a child and sits instantly like a frog. How active is he? He is definitely a healthy person from which the energy is bursting every day. When we come to the point of health, everyone is definitely concerned with the healing of body organs, mental and physical affairs. “Natural…

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सेहत की मिनी डिक्शनरी … Health Dictionary

रोगी के रोग की चिकित्सा करने वाले निकृष्ट , रोग के कारणों की चिकित्सा करने वाले औसत और रोग-मुक्त रखने वाले श्रेष्ठ चिकित्सक होते हैं । लकवा (Paralysis) – सोडियम (Sodium) की कमी के कारण होता है । हाई वी पी –  में स्नान व सोने से पूर्व एक गिलास जल का सेवन करें तथा स्नान करते समय थोड़ा सा नमक पानी मे डालकर स्नान करे । लो बी पी – सेंधा नमक डालकर पानी पीयें । कूबड़ निकलना- फास्फोरस & विटामिन डी की कमी से होता है, दो केले…

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Prevention is Better Than Cure

Those who are deficient in health and then regain it realise that prevention is better than cure. If the loss of health can be prevented it is better and such person has better reasons to be grateful to nature. Preventing disease and building health are the primary ends, cure comes next. Those who are wealthy know the need for survival because the building of their financial empire is less important than the building of his health to enjoy this wealth. Only with good health can they enjoy and have fun…

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Magnet Therapy: How Magnets are a Healing Tool

As children, we have all been fascinated by pieces of iron .that attracted and repelled each other with unimaginable force. We played with the little pieces in awe of the ‘magic’ they seemed to exude until parents and teachers explained to us that they were ‘magnets’ and that Nature had invested in them properties to attract and repel. The entire cosmos, comprising universes and infinite galaxies of stars and planets, is delicately balanced by magnetism. Since man also shares the subtle and crude forces of the cosmos, it makes sense…

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Magnet Therapy

Magnet therapy is a clinical system in which human ailments are treated and cured through the application of magnets to the body of the patients. It is the simplest, cheapest and entirely painless system of treatment with almost no side or after effects. The only tool used is the magnet. Magnet therapy, also known as Magnotherapy or Magnetic Therapy, is an alternative form of therapy that utilizes the force of magnets to provide pain relief. The magnetic field produced by a magnet is believed to have the capability of relieving…

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Ways to save a life

Everyone should share this useful information on saving lives! It’s a way to do good! Please pass this on, as it is not only teach other people, but could save yourself too! Ways to save a life: 1. Choking – Just lift up your arms In New Jersey, US, a 5 years old boy, cleverly saved his grandmother’s life, with a very simple method, by raising the arms! His 56 years old grandma Dilihua was at home watching TV while eating fruits. When she turned her head, a piece of…

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अलसी(Flaxseed) – एक  चमत्कारी औषधी

विविध नाम :- अलसी (Alsi), फ्लेक्स सीड्स (Flaxseed), लिन सिड्स वगैरा उसके नाम हैं।   ? दोस्तो अलसी से सभी परिचित होंगे लेकिन उसके चमत्कारी फायदे से बहुत ही कम लोग जानते हैं।   ☘ अलसी शरीर को स्वस्थ रखती है व आयु बढ़ाती है। अलसी में 23 प्रतिशत ओमेगा-3 फेटी एसिड, 20 प्रतिशत प्रोटीन, 27 प्रतिशत फाइबर, लिगनेन, विटामिन बी ग्रुप, सेलेनियम, पोटेशियम, मेगनीशियम, जिंक आदि होते हैं।   ?  अलसी में रेशे भरपूर 27% पर शर्करा 1.8% यानी नगण्य होती है। इसलिए यह शून्य-शर्करा आहार कहलाती है और…

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Sugar is Poison

  1. First factory to manufacture sugar was established by the British in 1866.   2. Indians used to eat Jaggery before this and seldom  used to fall sick.   3. To make sugar sulphur is used, which is used in making fire crackers. Sulphur is an element that, once it enters the body it cannot be excreted from our body.   4. Sugar increases Cholesterol which is the main reason for heart attack. Sugar increases the weight of the body and thus we become fat.   5. Sugar increases…

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