by Brahma Kumaris Everyone loves to have a good friend in their life, someone we can depend on. Listed below are examples of the rapport good friends share. If we can apply all these great qualities we express toward our best friend to everyone in the world, be our friend our enemy, we will make rapid spiritual progress. We can remind our self that if I can be supportive, non-judgmental etc. towards one person, it shows that I have that quality in me and I can exhibit that towards everyone else.…
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by Meena Om Healing means that a person does not have energy to cope with his problems and he keeps sinking into them, second, his mind is not into contemplation or meditation or dhyan that he can find solution to his problems, third, he is set to grow, set for change that is why problems or diseases have come to him. So I often say, toxins in the body, undesirable thoughts in the mind, burden on your soul all create diseases. Why they come so that we can learn from…
Read MoreBusted! 6 Myths about Naturopathy!
Naturopathic medicine is a natural form of primary healthcare that takes a holistic approach to treating any kind of mental or physical health condition. However, a lot of people still rely on Allopathic medicine and it is largely because they are unaware of the benefits of naturopathy and how it can dramatically boost health and well-being. There are also some myths doing the rounds regarding naturopathy that makes people refer to naturopaths when Western medicine has failed them. So, take a look below to better know what naturopathy is all about… MYTH #1:…
TIPS FOR FULFILLED LIFE 1. Don’t complicate life. We won’t be here forever. Once this day is over, it’s gone forever. Your time is too valuable to waste on nonsense. 2. No matter what knocks you down in life, get up and keep going. NEVER GIVE UP. Great blessings come as a result of great perseverance. 3. Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction. Break the habit. Talk about your joys. 4. Good things come to those who believe, better things come to those who are patient, and the…
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