In last 10 years, 10 major reasons for degradation of financial situation of a family

1. Everyone in family owns smartphone 2. Vacations under social pressure 3. Buying a car as a status symbol 4. Avoiding home made food and unnecessarily eating out on weekends 5. Brand concious for salons, parlours and clothes. Spoiled lifestyle is increasing medical expenses. 6. Trying to make Birthday and anniversary special by spending more money rather than time together. 7. Grand weddings and family functions 8. Commercialization of schools and tuitions.. education… 9. Spending what you haven’t yet earned… loan and credit card . 10. Spending tons of money…

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नींद नहीं आती तो आजमाएँ ये घरेलू नुस्खे

नींद नहीं आना , अनिद्रा या  Sleeplessness के कई कारण हो सकते हैं। सुबह बिस्तर से उठने के बाद यदि फ्रेश व तरोताजा महसूस नहीं करते हो। दिन भर थकान , उनींदापन और चिड़चिड़ाहट रहती हो। रात को सोने के लिए लेटने पर नींद नहीं आती हो। थके हुए होने के बावजूद सो नहीं पाते हों । रात को नींद खुल जाए तो फिर दुबारा सोने में मुश्किल होती हो। न चाहते हुए भी सुबह बहुत जल्दी नींद खुल जाती हो और ये लगातार कुछ दिन , कुछ सप्ताह या…

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Simple technique for achieving Healthy Lifestyle

Shivanand from Brahma Kumari explaining simple but effective technique for achieving Healthy Lifestyle     Source: Whatsapp Disclaimer: All information, data and material has been sourced from multiple authors and is for general information and educational purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. The views and nutritional advice expressed are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.

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Take Out Rest Time!

By Swami Tejomayananda All beings have been pre-programmed to balance work and rest. Man’s constitution, like most other beings, is made to work during the day and rest at night. Sleep, especially at night, rejuvenates and refreshes us. However, with the discovery of electricity, we play night cricket, indulge in late night TV- watching, study, eat and so on. This artificial life-style has a negative effect on our body and mind. These days, we hear of young CEOs with huge pay packets, jet-setting around the world, working non-stop. Their success…

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Happiness and Contentment: Still Not Available in a Pill

By  Suzanne Degges-White Ph.D.   Happiness is a byproduct of the journey, not the destination. A lot of research on happiness and subjective well-being has been done over the last fifty years or so—seems like everyone wants to figure out how we can grab a slice of the happiness pie that we feel life is supposed to offer. While there will never be a specific prescription for attaining happiness, there are some important findings that are excellent guidelines that, if followed, might increase the likelihood that we get our own fair share of…

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Breathe and Let Go

by P Vaidyanathan From the very beginning of life, till its end, one activity we do unceasingly, is breathing. In fact, life starts with taking our first breath, and ends with letting out our last. Breathing, as we know, brings in the vital oxygen needed to sustain the life of our cells and body, and throws out a lot of waste products created during our body metabolism. To breathe, is to be alive. Anything that impairs proper breathing will affect the quality of our lives. Breathing and breathing exercises have always…

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A meaningful silence is always better than meaningless words!

 by Brahma Kumaris A meaningful silence is always better than meaningless words! – By B.K Swathi Here, the word “meaningful” is crucial. It refers to a silence that is experienced when we are connected to the Divine Supreme intellect and not the kind of silence where we sulk and stay silent verbally in order to avoid confrontation. Silence is our true nature and being in silence helps us experience our soul qualities such as truth, love, happiness, peace. It enriches our life with these treasures. To begin with, in meditation, we…

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Constant Karm

By Meena Om Never stop doing karm. Karm is not about making money. Just continue working. Doing your work is most essential, irrespective of the fact that it brings in money or success. And the most gratifying thing is to be able to work, to be able to do your work using all your faculties. Always be on the move; keep moving ahead. Movement is the greatest satisfying factor. For this you don’t need any assistance, help, money, advises. Just keep on working, doing something. Be on your on your…

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International Peace Day : शांति आपके अंदर है

International Peace Day : शांति आपके अंदर है, उसे बाहर न तलाशें-ब्रह्मकुमारी   भागदौड़ भरी इस जिंदगी में हर किसी के पास सब कुछ है, धन दौलत, रिश्ते, शोहरत, नाम लेकिन नहीं है तो बस एक चीज वो है शांति, मन की शांति। हर कोई इस शांति की तलाश में ही भटक रहा है। कोई टूर पर जाता है, शॉपिंग करता है, मॉल घूमता है, नई चीजें लेता है, विदेश जाता है, लेकिन शांति नहीं मिलती।   आज अंतरराष्ट्रीय शांति दिवस है। हर साल 21 सितंबर को हर कोई शांति…

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