It’s that time of the year when chai becomes a little less favoured and nimbu-soda is available almost everywhere. Very soon, anything synthetic will be a no-no and cotton will be your go-to fabric. Umbrellas come out to give your sunscreen company, suede shoes get packed away. Yes, summer time is here. And with it, a whole host of skin care issues too. Oily skin gets oilier, and dry skin gets patchy. There are breakouts and pimples, rashes and roughness, and that acne just wouldn’t go away! Just a few simple changes in your everyday skin…
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इन 50 घरेलु नुस्खों को जीवन में याद रखेगें तो कभी डॉक्टर के पास नहीं जाना पड़ेगा
साधारण छोटे-छोटे प्रयोग जिनको आप अवश्य अपनाए कुछ प्रयोग नीचे दिए गए है जो आपके घर में ही उपलब्ध है अजमाए और लाभ ले 1- अजवायन का साप्ताहिक प्रयोग :- सुबह खाली पेट सप्ताह में एक बार एक चाय का चम्मच अजवायन मुँह में रखें और पानी से निगल लें। चबाएँ नहीं। यह सर्दी, खाँसी, जुकाम, बदनदर्द, कमर-दर्द, पेटदर्द, कब्जियत और घुटनों के दर्द से दूर रखेगा। 10 साल से नीचे के बच्चों को आधा चम्मच 2 ग्राम और 10 से ऊपर सभी को एक चम्मच यानी 5 ग्राम लेना…
Read More7 Natural Beauty Rules to Make You Look and Feel Younger
hy oh why? Is flawless skin, that’s radiant and glowing too much to ask for? Have you tried countless expensive makeup and cosmetic treatments available on the market, only to end up feeling frustrated? Wake up, every morning to see a tired and worn-out version of yourself in the mirror? Worry not! Here, we make beauty care easy for you, the all-natural way! With our best tips and tricks, you’ll not only look but also feel younger. Yep, that’s the beauty of a natural skin and face care regime. It…
Read Moreरोजना दूध में सौंफ डालकर पीने के इन 9 चमत्कारी फायदे
रोजना दूध (Milk) में सौंफ (Fennel Seeds) डालकर पीने के इन 9 चमत्कारी फ़ायदों को जान गये तो आज से सौंफ वाला दूध पीने लगोगे। आप रोज सादा दूध पीते है तो इसके बजाय अगर आप दूध में आधा चम्मच सौंफ डालकर पिएंगे तो आप कई बीमारियों से बच सकते हैं. दूध और सौंफ इन दोनों में ऐसे न्यूट्रिएंट्स (Nutrients) होते हैं जो कई बीमारियों से शरीर को बचाते हैं। ?सौंफ वाला दूध बनाने की विधि : सौंफ वाला दूध बनाने के लिए एक गिलास दूध में आधा चम्मच सौंफ…
Mint has been used since ages for medicinal purposes owing to its anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Mint or pudina is packed with Phyto-Chemicals, Antioxidants, Vitamins & Minerals like Calcium, Phosphorous, Vitamin C, D, E and small amounts of Vitamin B Complex. Here Are Some Of The Benefits That Pudina Has To Offer: ✳ IMPROVES DIGESTION ☘ Mint leaves are loaded with antioxidants and phyto-nutrients which help in the synthesis of digestive enzymes. ☘ They have a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the stomach, reduce acidity and flatulence. ☘ Patients…
Read MoreGreat information!! Cinnamon (DalChini) and Honey…!
Drug companies won’t like this one getting around. Facts on Honey and Cinnamon: It is found that a mix of honey and cinnamon cures most diseases. Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world. Scientists of today also note honey as very effective medicine for all kinds of diseases. Honey can be used without side effects which is also a plus. Today’s science says that even though honey is sweet, when it is taken in the right dosage as a medicine, it does not harm even diabetic…
Read MoreHealth & Beauty Secrets Of Lemon
Lemon is a a cheap fruit that plays a vital role in enhancing your beauty. It contains enzymes that helps in cleansing skin. It is a natural bleaching agent.It is rich in vitamin C and also contains large amounts of vitamin B, calcium, vitamin A, phosphorus, and vitamin E. Lemon is natural antioxidant and can be used in many ways. Spicy food can be made less spicy by addition of lemon juice. Lemons are rich in potassium, which reduces your blood pressure naturally. Drinking lemon water can also help reduce…
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