How Kapalbhati can help in detoxifying the brain

by Anil Rajvanshi Kapalbhati is a part of Pranayam kriya where one forcefully exhales rapidly and in short bursts. Practitioners claim that it helps in cleaning lungs and in exercising the abdomen muscles. It is therefore recommended for reducing tummy fat. The word Kapalbhati means skull illumination ! Yogis claim that practicing it cleans the brain and gives shining quality to a person’s appearance. Modern science may give credence to this claim. Recently researchers have shown that nanoparticles (particle size of 10-30 nanometers which are almost 10-20 times smaller than those…

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5 Best Drinks To Soothe Your Sore And Scratchy Throat

By: Sarika Rana A sore throat can be very annoying; the itchy feeling that refuses to go away and the constant irritation makes you highly uncomfortable. A sore and scratchy throat occurs as a part of your body’s immune response to viral or bacterial infections. Your immune response leads to inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes in the throat, resulting in soreness. Some of the factors causing sore throat are common cold, flu, allergies, pollutants, smoke, dryness and muscle strain by yelling or talking loudly. Some of the symptoms of…

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World Water Day: Analysis paints grim water crisis picture of Bengaluru

By: Vishwa Mohan An analysis shows that at least 200 cities across the world are facing a severe water crisis while 10 metropolitan cities, among them Bengaluru, are fast moving towards ‘Day Zero’—a situation where taps start running dry. The assessment by Down To Earth, a magazine published by green think-tank Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), sounds alarm bells for many cities across the globe, a day ahead of the World Water Day which is observed every year on March 22. The report says Bengaluru could go the Cape Town away. Cape Town, one…

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