होमेओपेथी की थूजा 1M की दो बूंद रोज सुबह जबतक रोग ठीक न हो व घरेलू में इस लेख के अनुसार कोई भी नियमित ? मस्से (Warts) क्यों होते हैं इनके होने के कारण : पेपीलोमा वायरस के कारण हमारी त्वचा पर छोटे खुरदरे कठोर गोल पिण्ड बन जाते हैं जिसे मस्सा कहते हैं। इन मस्सों के कई प्रकार होते हैं। कुछ मस्से ऐसे होते हैं जो उत्पन्न होकर अपने आप एकाएक समाप्त हो जाते हैं। इनमें दर्द नहीं होता है पर उसे काटने पर काफी खून बहता है। बाद…
Read MoreTag: Potato
Melons And Other Mouth-Watering Fruits That Can Help Lower High Blood Pressure
Green leafy vegetables, dairy products, pulses, oatmeal, beetroots, fatty fish like salmon, cod and tuna and many other foods help in lowering high blood pressure. High blood pressure is rising at an alarming rate. If not controlled, high blood pressure can lead to serious heart diseases, stroke or even kidney disease. An active lifestyle, healthy eating habits, some medications and other lifestyle changes can help manage high blood pressure. Green leafy vegetables, dairy products, pulses, oatmeal, whole grains, ground flax seeds, prunes, cinnamon, beetroots, fatty fish like salmon, cod and tuna and…
Read MoreAvoid reheating of these food
Do not heat these foods again because it becomes unhealthy after reheating and it causes health issues See video: Source: Sachin Goyal (Jaipur Pink City) Disclaimer: All information, data and material has been sourced from multiple authors and is for general information and educational purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. The views and nutritional advice expressed are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.…
Read MoreEating high-salt diet may lead to dementia
In mice, the high-salt diet reduced the resting cerebral blood flow by 28 percent in the cortex and 25 percent in the hippocampus — brain regions involved in learning and memory. Love to eat crispy roasted nuts and potato wafers that are high in salt? Beware, besides harming your heart, it may also harm your brain and lead to dementia, researchers have warned. In mice, the high-salt diet reduced the resting cerebral blood flow by 28 percent in the cortex and 25 percent in the hippocampus — brain regions involved…
Read More36 Everyday Habits That Reduce Your Risk of Alzheimer’s
The dozens of choices you make over the course of any average day—ordering the curry vs. the samosas, reading the newspaper vs. watching the news—really can determine whether you’ll develop Alzheimer’s years from now as well as how quickly the disease will progress. Did you know that eating grilled meat could increase your risk of being struck down by dementia? Or that getting on the treadmill can help keep your brain sharp? The dozens of choices you make over the course of any average day—ordering the curry vs. the samosas,…
Read MoreBrowned toast and potatoes are ‘potential cancer risk’, say food scientists
Experts say bread should be cooked to a golden yellow colour to reduce our intake of a harmful chemical Bread, chips and potatoes should be cooked to a golden yellow colour, rather than brown, to reduce our intake of a chemical which could cause cancer, government food scientists are warning. Acrylamide is produced when starchy foods are roasted, fried or grilled for too long at high temperatures. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) recommends carefully following cooking instructions and avoiding browning. However, Cancer Research UK said the…
Read MoreRemedy for Injury blue Mark
Plant-Based Diet May Lower Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes
Boston: Consuming high-quality plant foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes may substantially lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, researchers including one of Indian-origin have claimed. “This study highlights that even moderate dietary changes in the direction of a healthful plant-based diet can play a significant role in the prevention of type 2 diabetes,” said Ambika Satija from Harvard T H Chan School of Public Health in the US. “These findings provide further evidence to support current dietary recommendations for chronic disease prevention,” she said. While…
Read MoreTen home remedies for fever
Natural ways to reduce a high fever and treat the flu using simple products found in most homes A fever is your body’s way of fighting an infection during a flu or infection. Suppressing a fever is not advised, as the fever will kill the bacteria and virus. However, high fevers can be dangerous, especially for small children. Natural medicine has numerous treatments to reduce a high fever. 1) Add a half cup of vinegar (सिरका ) to lukewarm bath water and soak for five to ten minutes. 2) Boil…
Read More7 Foods that Help relieve Hemorrhoids
Inflammation of the veins in the lower rectum and anus is known as hemorrhoids. People prone to constipation are susceptible to hemorrhoids or piles. The pressure exerted on the veins while straining the anus to pass hardened stool, leads to this condition. People suffering from hemorrhoids experience pain, irritation, itching and discomfort in the anal region. Painless bleeding may occur while passing bowel. Fortunately, hemorrhoids can be reversed with appropriate treatment. Foods that help to soften stools and ease bowel movement provide rapid relief from the symptoms of hemorrhoids. The…
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