भोजन करने के नियम (Rules for having Meals)

1. खाने से पूर्व अन्नपूर्णा माता की स्तुति करके उनका धन्यवाद देते हुए, तथा सभी भूखो को भोजन प्राप्त हो इर्श्वर (God) से ऐसी प्राथना (Prayer) करके भोजन करना चाहिए । 2. गृहस्थ के लिए प्रातः (Morning & Evening) और सायं (दो समय) ही भोजन का विधान है । 3. दोनो हाथ, दोनो पैर और मुख, इन पाँच अंगो को धोकर  (Wash both hands, legs & face before meals) भोजन करने वाला दीर्घजीवी होता है। 4. भींगे पैर खाने से आयु की वृद्धि होती है 5. सुखे पैर, जुते पहने…

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Effect of Prayer on Water

Our forefathers always said a short prayer before a meal OR said Hari-om/Waheguru before taking a glass of water. Now it’s scientifically proven that such prayer or words change the value of the food/water and generate very useful vibrations in it. Please watch and share this video Source: WhatsApp Disclaimer: All information, data and material has been sourced from multiple authors and is for general information and educational purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. The views and nutritional advice expressed are not…

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Law of Nature

  …. The food we eat, has to be digested and then thrown out of #body in 24 hours, else we will fall ill. …. The water we drink, gets in our body and is thrown out in 4 hours, else we will fall ill. …. The air we breathe, has to be thrown out in 1 minute, else we will die. What about negative emotions like hatred, anger, jealousy, insecurity … we hold in our body for days, months and years. If these negative emotions are not thrown out…

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36 Everyday Habits That Reduce Your Risk of Alzheimer’s

The dozens of choices you make over the course of any average day—ordering the curry vs. the samosas, reading the newspaper vs. watching the news—really can determine whether you’ll develop Alzheimer’s years from now as well as how quickly the disease will progress. Did you know that eating grilled meat could increase your risk of being struck down by dementia? Or that getting on the treadmill can help keep your brain sharp? The dozens of choices you make over the course of any average day—ordering the curry vs. the samosas,…

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